Stuff and things

Aug 08, 2008 10:30

So last night I had a binge. It was small-scale really, but not good.

Yesterday I ate:

28g muesli B choice, slosh of soy milk ½ A choice
cup of soy milk A choice
2 bananas
1 apple
2 tomatoes
red lunch of 198g potatoes B choice, lean pork loins, spinach
Thai seafood soup noodle. I need to find out if their noodles have oil in them. Seafood and 1tbsp oil in soup come to 8 points.
Binge: 3 double gins, 4 pack ryvita crispbread, 230g reduced-fat hummus, packet of regular crisps. 12 + 6 + 20.5 + 12 = 40.5
Total syns: 48.5 (unless there is oil in the noodles)

I'm awarding myself a truck-load of stars for yesterday despite the binge, as I spent an hour in the laundrette. I'm going to go again today... more stars! (I have a packet of silver stars that I bought from Woolworth's.) I'm going to the gym after the laundrette/building society.

Good news: medium-sized cheque from phone company came through today. I'm going to get it to my building society by 3pm, it should be cleared by Thursday 14th.

diet, good news, motivation, ed

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