(no subject)

Dec 19, 2007 10:36

I've put my CT5K on hiatus because of a lack of suitable footwear. I've decided to go shopping for new trainers in the post-chritmas sales (they usually start before January), but I may well pick some up before that. This doesn't mean that I've stopped doing exercise, I've been doing various cardio machines in the gym as well as doing quite a bit of walking. Yesterday I did quite a bit of shopping (things I want for the flat, not christmas) which involved walking, then in the evening I went for a 40 minute stroll as an alternative to bingeing. I was quite pleased with myself. I'm going to give myself a big well done!!

I've started using the pyramid tracker, it is most fun. I imput all my food and all my activities including quantity and duration, and it crunches the numbers for me. Yesterday was quite active and I didn't binge, so the energy balance summary told me that "Your reported food energy intake is very much lower than your Estimated Energy Requirement for the day. A reduction of 500 or more calories per day over time will result in regular and perhaps quick weight loss. This is a common initial goal in weight-loss programs." I don't intend to lose weight too suddenly; I shall see how my energy balance goes by using this super tool. Thanks US taxpayers!

Now I'm late for breakfast, and my plan for the first part of the day is to go to the gym. Ah well, I'll be off soon if I prise myself away from the computer. Having my laptop in the bedroom is helping me moderate both computer use and television watching, which is helping me moderate my food intake and increase my activity levels. (Television watching? Can you think of a better way to phrase that?)

Oh, does anyone want to see the new St Trinians film?

exercise, weight

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