Oct 03, 2007 00:24
Me oh my, life is rather exciting at the moment! The poly meet was fun, though some of it was stilted. A guy from Channel 4 came and tried to talk to us - he is going to do a doc on polyamory - but he didn't get a very friendly reception from us (or we didn't look glam enough for him). I had a very nice evening all in all, some of it snuggling with one person. I also had something that was simultaneously ego-stroking and grating at the same time: there is a guy who I've sort of had my eye on for a couple of weeks, and I wondered if his sexuality went with my gender. Apparently not. So not only did I have to out myself as trans, I had to (albeit in a roud-about way) declare my interest in him. He is attracted to me. No straight boys. Nonononono. On a related note, I had to correct people's use of pronouns quite a few times. Want T, really want T!!
I walked/jogged/walked to the pub as part of the couch to 5 K thing, I was really pleased with myself. I'm better at running in the dark when it's raining. Just my sort of weather :-)