there's a naked woman in my house and it's not me

Jan 20, 2006 10:23

Yesterday I had a risk assessment regarding moving on to independent housing. I currently live in supported accommodation (not much support, and when I get it, it is shi*t). I was nervous, and thought I would have to lie to get what I want. The thing is, when I have been depressed in the past in this flat, the only support I got from my keyworker was monitoring. Great. I wasn't washing, wasn't eating properly, and had rubbish piled up all around. Even my psychiatrist came on a visit to bloody monitor me. This hasn't helped me.

Now I am in a different position. The drugs I am on help to prevent me going into deep depression/hypomania. Thanks to the drugs I have the stability to seek help before things get too bad. I have a reasonably good support system, including LJ. Having 18 sessions of counselling really helped me. I now want to find a new counsellor (the last one was mainly focused on healing the wounds caused by losing my child to adoption). So I didn't have to lie; the way I am living makes it easier to avoid self-destructive and/or aggressive behaviour.

The risk assessment went well. I went to Foyle's to have a browse and possibly buy some books; I bought a big sociology textbook and a guitar tutorial book, then cycled home a really long way via Piccadilly and Hyde Park. It was good to have some me-time.

practiced guitar
turned up to an appointment
communicated my feelings to my gf
ate healthily
exercised moderately
treated myself at the bookshop
did some laundry and drying
bought sensible food

me-time, mental health, activities, housing

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