In My Life....

May 07, 2010 14:08

Things have really been going well for me lately. I know I always complain about everything but I really just think that is in my nature at times.
The only real exception to any unhappiness that I have in my life is my job. I hate it more then I can even begin to say anymore...I have also just accepted the fact that its not going to change any time soon and that I should just suck it up and save my ranting for LJ.

My relationship is doing wonderfully. I really feel secure and safe and happy. I am not the girl who always picks the "safe" "easy" relationship. As a matter of fact most of my relationships have been troubled in some sort of way. This is really the first time in my life that it doesnt feel that way. I dont really know how to explain it and I dont really wanna, I just want to enjoy it.

I went out and bought a new journal the other day and started writing in it. I have always kept a journal, even though I do post here a lot. Keeping a physical journal is comforting to me. When something really bad happens though I always stop using the current journal and buy a new one. The last one I had was during the last year of my relationship with Scott and I kinda just stopped cold turkey writing in it when we broke up. I missed writing.

I miss being creative too. I remember a time when I would make 2 costumes a week, sketch up 20 more and then have time to make cool things like paintings or clothes or crafts.....I just feel that with my job and me not being home on my days off that there isnt much time for that. I think thats one of the many reasons I cant wait until we buy a house. I know that for the first year or two that I will be obsessed with painting it and fixing it and making it look perfect.....but after all that I will have a place for all my stuff where I can create again and that makes me very happy.

Just knowing that there is a spectacular Halloween themed Disney/Universal trip in my not so distant future also makes me crazy happy....wheeee!

Yes there are things I would change about the here and now but at the same time I am happy and though I complain, its really not so bad.
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