For Reals?

May 06, 2010 12:54


So my job decided to close on Mondays again(something we had done in the past and then changed a few months ago). I usually work on Mondays so my hours were cut from 8-6 to 2-6. I also used to work on Thursdays from 3-9 and they changed that to 1-9. I didnt even complain about it at all.

Derek got out very early on Monday this week so I wantedto spend the day with him. I asked my boos if I could start my new Monday hours next week and take off this Monday. My boss totally ok'd it and that was that.

Today, Thursday, I shoed up to work at 9am to work until 9pm. For the past 7 months whenever I miss Monday (being sick or requesting off) I come in at 9am and work the entire day on Thursday to provide extra room coverage and make up the missed hours. This is the way it has been, once again, for the past 7 months and has been witnessed/approved by my employer all those times.

When I came in and sat at my desk this morning my other boss gave me a dirty look. He then went into his office and called his wife (the other boss) and she then called me 2 mins later. She yelled at me for coming into work at 9. She said that I should have come in at my regulary schedualed time (1pm)to save her payroll. When I told her that this is how it was useually done when I didnt work Mondays she accused me of taking advantage of the company because we do not have a set manager in my department. WTF.

Does she really think I WANT to work a 12 hour day with no overtime whatsoever in a place I hate?? I only came in at 9 because that is how we have ALWAYS been doing it and I didnt want to be yelled at for not showing up! How dare they say I am taking advantage of the company...they take advantage of me!! Constantly. Not to mention the shit I put up with working for them.....mental and verbal abuse, no overtime, late checks, bounced checks, harassment, threats, no lunch breaks......

Then I hear that my male boss was bitching about me to one of my co-workers because I "never clean" the office. He said that I never vaccum and that I never replace the trash bag after taking out the trash at night. I AM NOT A CLEANING LADY!! He tells us we have to vaccum every single night. Who does that??? Its an office the size of a small does not need that. I admit that I do not vaccum. I never signed on to be a cleaning lasy at this job. It wasnt asked of me when he hired me.I have done it on occasion if I think the floor looks messy though. I also pick up debris and stuff like that by hand all the time. I take the trash out every night that I work and yes, sometimes I forget to replace the trash bag but I always do it in the AM when I am the first person there. I have also cleaned the lunch room before and everytime I use it. The problem is that my boss has Joan Crawford standards when it comes to cleaning. Hes obsessed and has terrible ocd/control issues.

I am so tired of this shit. I feel like I am trapped at my job though because I cant find anything to do that isnt demeaning or going to pay me wha I make here. Mentally/emotionally this jib destroys me.
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