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Nov 27, 2013 21:15

As if it weren't bad enough...

We weren't even home yet from the funeral and wake when my uncle called. My grandfather has had a 2nd more serious stroke, just as he was to be released from the rehab facility he'd been in since his 1st minor stroke that happened the last week in October (I don't remember the exact date). We booked my mother on an Amtrak down to Virginia tomorrow afternoon. I'll be giving work a heads-up tomorrow that I hope will be unnecessary.

I'm worried about my mother. I heard her voice break for the 1st time since this whole sadness began on Sunday as she spoke to my uncle. I snuck in a call to my uncle as I was driving home to NJ to ask him to keep an eye on her. This will be awfully hard on them all but she's already been dealt a heavy burden. I don't want this to break her.

My other uncle is a huge worry as well. He is the kindest, most giving man I know, who has taken on so much for the sake of others. His own health has not been the best and I am truly, deeply concerned. I want to place myself between him and the world and wield a big stick to beat everyone back so that he can at least take a breather. He'd probably laugh at that but I'd do it!

Sorry to be such a downer the day before Thanksgiving (and during Hanukah). Not the best timing, huh?
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