The Hidden World: Nabari no Ou Fandom as a Discourse Community

Apr 01, 2012 19:41

Things have been slow for a while over at this journal because of spring break and then my professor taking off for a conference. BUT, today I bring something nice and big.

The Hidden World: Nabari no Ou Fandom as a Discourse Community

Ta-dah! My ethnography! It's done! This is the report that my fandom survey earlier was for and now you can finally read the paper in all its glory. If you want to, anyway.

The paper is meant to informative for people who don't know anything about Nabari no Ou fandom (most people) so if you are in the community you probably won't learn anything new. However, I hope you find it interesting anyway.

Here's a quick run-down:

Q: What is an ethnography?
A: Basically, it's a paper describing a culture.

Q: What is a discourse community?
A: According to Mr. James Porter, a discourse community is "a local and temporary constraining system, defined by a body of texts (or more generally, practices) that are unified by a common focus." In less-fancy talk: a community that communicates with each other through a shared topic.

Q: Holy crap, why is this paper 40 pages long?!
A: I know, right!? I was complaining the whole time. Luckily for y'all, you don't have to read all that mess. The actual report is only a quarter of the document-- the rest of it is the appendix, which holds all the data I got from the survey and interviews. Obviously, you can read that too if you want. But it is loooooong.

More questions? Comments? Need to correct my grammar and typos? Let me know! This is my first time writing an ethnography (and an abstract) so if you are more experienced than me and can give me some pointers, I would be most grateful.

information, nabari no ou, essays, enc3930

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