Previous love-colored adventures in Montreal:
Part 1 +
Part 2 +
Part 3 Sunday, July 17th. I woke up at around 9:30AM. Nick, being the sleepy-head that he is, was, of course, still asleep. I went to go take a shower, then turned on the TV to give Canadian television one more chance. I had found nothing redeeming about Canadian TV thus far. ): So disappointed. I ended up just watching Cash Cab, lol. Which, for those who don't know, unsuspecting people (I guess, unless their surprise is all staged) call for a taxi cab. They get in the cab, and suddenly, the inside of the car lights up and BAM! You're riding in the Cash Cab! And the passenger(s) scream in delight and they answer trivia questions to win as much money as they can before they reach their destination.
So had taken a shower, and put on
this dress to wear for the day. I love this dress, I bought it from
BODYLINE 2 weeks prior just to wear in Montreal. The awesome part is that they ship to the States!! *__* BODYLINE fulfills a poor girl's desires to wear Japanese lolita fashion (without having to pay $300 for a Baby, The Stars Shine Bright dress, although the quality isn't as nice). Frigging shipping is expensive, but you can buy some cute, cheap accessories for $1 each. This dress was one of their cheaper (but still cute) ones. I made sure Nick liked the dress before I bought it, of course. Wouldn't want to wear something he thought was ugly! And I made sure not to pick out anything TOO loli and frilly, lol. So I still looked normal!
So I put on that dress (there are adjustable straps not shown in the picture I took for poupeegirl - I do not have the bust to wear any kind of strapless dress) and Nick helped me with tightening the straps and then we just sat and watched this show about people fixing up their houses, haha.
We held up the cleaning lady again that day. >: Kinda felt bad... Sorry, miss! >__< We're just slow and getting out of the room. We should have left her a tip for being a nuisance to her, now that I think about it. She was a nice woman.
So off we were to the amusement park! Nick promised to take me there. I wanted to go on the bumper cars with him so I can smash into him and stuff, haha. Even though he insisted it'd be the other way around with him smashing into my car and not even letting me move an inch. :P Yeah, right!
I had no flat shoes other than sneakers, and that just wouldn't look right with the dress I was wearing. And if we were going to the amusement park, there'd be a lot of walking to be done. +__+ Not good if all I had were heels. So Nick took me to get a bit of my American money exchanged into Canadian dollars and we looked around for a shoe store. The street fair was still going on and we eventually saw 2 women running this shoe stand thing. So I bought myself (finally! I do not have to rely on Nick paying!) a pair of C$10 converse flip-flops. Muuuuch better!
Before we bought the shoes, though, I had asked if Nick would take me to a Rite-Aid/CVS/Walgreens/Duane Reade sort of place beforehand. I think whatever the heck cheap-o detergent my mother brought from work was making me itch on my knees and I started seeing the first signs of hives appearing. So I wanted to go buy some Claritin (non-drowsy allergy medicine). Nick was so nice, he bought a box for me. >__< Allergy medicine is pretty expensive, but he bought some Claritin for me! T__T So nice.
After the Claritin, after the flip-flops, we headed out to the metro in order to take about 2 (maybe 3?) different trains to get to this really festive area. Can't remember what the place was called, but there seemed to be a lot going on. Nick bought a big bottle of water for us to share (and for me to take with my Claritin) and we caught a bus that would take us to this island that was occupied by the amusement park. The bus ride was short, only 10 minutes or so.
So we got to the amusement park at about 4:00 or 4:30. Nick went up to see the entry price and... 45 dollars?! Which is like $50 USD. But dang! I was thinking $25 at most... So yeah, way too expensive. Half the day was already over - why don't they have a late entrance of $25 or something instead? ): Man...
So we scraped that idea and headed back on the bus. We arrived at that really festive area again, and decided to see what was going on. Apparently, they were having a Colombian Independence Day festival. Oooookay, then! It gives us something to do! There were plenty of food stands and Nick treated me (again! he's paying again!) to this german sausage thing. It's a giant, thick sausage on an enlarged hotdog bun. It was pretty filling, I could only eat like 80%.
And because Nick will be reading this (he wants me to tell him when I post in my LJ), YES, IT WAS 80%, NOT HALF! )< I didn't only eat half and throw the rest away!! DX I ate 80%! He said now he knows - food is wasted on me because I can only finish half of a meal... >__< He's so rude!
There were a lot of people speaking Spanish! So Nick talked in Spanish (Nick's family is from Chile) to some guy handing out fliers in and they started laughing. I, as usual, stood there smiling - completely clueless as to what they were talking about. =^__^=
See, this is what is so unfair about all this. While Nick and I are on the phone/Skype with each other, if his mother or father comes into his room to speak with him, it's in Spanish and I can't understand. When one of his younger sisters come into his room to talk to him, it's in French and I can't understand. But we're in a call and my mother (and the rare times, my sister) comes into my room to speak with me, it's in English and he can understand every word! You see how unfair it is!? DX So his family could potentially say something embarrassing to him, and I wouldn't have the slightest idea. But my mother comes in my room and says something embarrassing (75% chance of this happening, as it's happened plenty of times already now), he can hear it, understand it, and laugh at me! DX Man... So not fair.
There were dancers and a little parade going on. Lots of latin music as well, and some guy was telling stand up comedy in Spanish. I took this time to remind Nick that I, who live in a largely Hispanic neighborhood, think that all Spanish music sound the same. It's the same thing over and over again. It's the same instruments, it's the same guy singing, it's the same girl singing, it's the same beat, it's the same melody, it's all the same song. I am so serious. It all sounds the same to me. I think they might tweak the rhythm here and there, but largely, it's the same style of music, the same instruments and DEFINITELY the same man singing. Latinos have no other artist, it's the same guy. It has to be.
So of course, because I have insulted the music of his people, he turned away from me, appalled.
I'm sorry, I just can't tell the difference! T__T
After we finished our sausage (which I ate 80% of), we took a walk next to the water. It was a lovely view, with city buildings on the other side of the water. At one point, my hand starting itching and I noticed a scary bug or something on it! So, being the baby that I am, I made this muffled scream then shook it off my hand. I wiped my then bug cootied hand on Nick's shirt. HAHAHAHA, I'm sorry, it was just a reflex!
It was pretty hot outside. We walked around for quite a bit. After a while, we saw this ice cream stand (apparently sponsored by TD Bank) but then we looked at the line... geez. For plain vanilla ice cream? There were like 50 people in line! Pass. ):
We went a little further and saw this BioDome thing. We went to see if there was something going on there, but apparently, we had just missed entering to see a showing. >__< While Nick was speaking to the woman working there in French and while I was standing a few steps behind, being oblivious to what is being said, I nearly CHOKED on the can of Nestea I had (from the previous night's pizza delivery)! lol, I drank too fast and it went down the wrong way and I was trying hard not to hack up like an idiot in front of Nick and this woman. rofl, it's funny when I think about it now, but it totally wasn't funny when I was choking on that drink and trying to hide it from everybody and tears were coming from my eyes!
My little coughing fit ended shortly after we went out of the BioDome. There was this cocktail stand not too far from us, so Nick got a drink from there. I don't drink, so I declined to get anything from there. So we started walking, and Nick is sipping on his cocktail and asks if I want to try some. It didn't smell too bad (it's beer that smells disgusting to me), and I figured a sip wouldn't hurt. I've never even tasted an alcoholic beverage before and because I weigh so little, it is not wise for me to drink. I would get drunk way too easily. I prefer a Pepsi, I am not even tempted to indulge in alcohol.
But sure, why not. I'll take a sip.
So I sip.
And immediately, I want to spit it out.
Guys, is THAT what you're all raving about? Are you serious?? While it's not the most disgusting drink I've ever tasted, it was pretty bad. THIS is what everyone's spending tons of money to drink? This is what people go out at night for? You must be kidding me.
Let's see, I watched the woman make the drink, because I wanted to know just what a cocktail was and what's inside it. She added some kind of wine or something and I remember seeing orange juice. Tons of ice, too. It tasted like tingly crap. I took a sip, held it in my mouth and started looking around for the nearest garbage can. I did not want this tingly crap in my system. I refused to swallow.
So I'm looking at Nick with my mouth holding the tingly crap, wondering why the frick people would be drinking this mess and since I wanted to be proper and ladylike and not have anybody see me spitting in the trash, I sacrifice my tea. I spit the tingly crap in my can of Nestea, then go throw the can in the trash.
Thanks, Nick! Thanks, Montreal! I am even more convinced to stay away from alcohol! \o/ Frigging nasty tingly crap. Get out of here with that.
So Nick and I walked (as he finished his tingly crap) some more and I still have the nasty taste in my mouth. Luckily, we came across a little icy stand. The TD Bank vanilla ice cream in a cup stand STILL had a line a mile long, but this icy stand was perfectly clear! I got a red-white-blue popsicle and Nick got a popsicle for himself. Look at me, paying for stuff again! *jumps for joy* I am not a freeloader!
It was really hot, so immediately, the popsicles starting melting. The juices kept dripping down my hands, legs and feet, and the wind even blew some of the juices onto Nick. This made me really sticky and sugary-smelling. I guess that cocktail was not enough, so Nick went searching for a beer stand. Ugh, beer smells terrible, but okay. I mean, it smells really terrible to me. I don't know why, but my mother had this like 2 or 3 gallon container of beer on the top of the refrigerator a few years ago. She doesn't drink, but for some odd reason... she just had it. lol. *shrug* One fine morning, this huge container of beer decided to spring a leak. The smell of beer was everywhere in the kitchen. I felt like vomiting. Ugh. I couldn't get anywhere near it without feeling sick, so my sister was the one to clean it up.
So Nick got a beer (he wanted a bottle, but they apparently can't give it out in bottles, so they poured it in a cup for him). We went over to this big hill of grass and sat for a good long while, just enjoying the wind and talking. We lied in the grass for about an hour or more. I was all sugary and sticky from popsicle juice, so this attracted bugs. So after flies and other bugs and even a bee kept stalking me, I was paranoid! And then Nick did something really mean - he told me to hold still because there was another bug flying around me, and he took a blade of grass and poked me with it! So I thought it was a bug biting/stinging me! It hurt!! T__T And he kept poking me with blades of grass for like 5 whole minutes! DX I'm here thinking it's really a bug devouring me, but it was just him picking on me...
After an hour or so of just relaxing, lying down in the grass, we got up to go. I couldn't wait to get home and take a shower, I was all sticky! We got back on those 2 or 3 trains, and arrived at the hotel at around 7:30PM.
Sometime at around 9 o'clock-ish, I wanted something to drink. A Pepsi, or some more Canadian Nestea. Canadian Nestea tastes a little different from American Nestea. Nestea is
liquid awesomeness, don't you know? Canadian Nestea tastes slightly different, I've noticed. But it's still really good! It just has this interesting difference in flavor. Still great, though. I wanted some more.
I think I might have mentioned it before, but I'm no good with talking on the phone (or any sort of voice chatting that is not voice acting). I don't know, it's just something about talking on the phone to people I'm not comfortable with. I don't like it. It may have something to do with an incident that happened when I was like 6 or 7 years old. But I don't like talking on the phone unless it's my mother, my grandmother, a select few family members and friends, and now Nick. So I kind of wanted Nick to call the front desk for me, but he made me do it... (I'm not sure if he knows about my dislike of the phone, actually.)
So I call and ask if there are any vending machines. They say yes, there's one on every odd numbered floor. Great, thanks! I hang up. Apparently, I was not specific enough. Because when I said vending machine, I guess they thought I meant an ice machine? Or something?? So Nick called back and said something like, "Hi. My girlfriend called you a minute ago asking about a vending machine..."
And I was like *__* because he said "my girlfriend." Eeeeeeeeeee~~~
I fell asleep kind of early that night. I was pretty tired. I fell asleep a little before 11PM. I remember Nick waking me up at around 11:30 to tell me that this woman on the TV show he was watching had a strange addiction - she could not stop eating drywall. I remember being like, "huh?" at the idea, but then I just fell asleep again 10 minutes later.
I really wish I had stayed up later. It was our last night together before I left, so even if I had to be dead tired for the trip back to New York the next morning, I wish I had stayed up late and talked to him and cuddled more and things like that. ._. *sigh* Dang me and my 0 stamina!!
I think the next entry will be the last. Uwaa, typing up about my trip makes me happy in some ways, sad in some ways. Happy that I'm remembering all my love-love moments with Nick in Montreal. Sad that I'm remembering how much I want to go right back to Montreal and stay forever. Well, I have accumulated ~38 hours worth of PAID VACATION TIME (yes!), so hopefully I can visit again soon! For a whole week! Although it'd be freezing, it'd be nice to visit the week of his and my birthdays. His birthday is 6 days before mine (February 5th and February 11th), so it'd be a nice treat. But we'll see. lol, I'd actually rather me go to him than him go to me because I live in a nasty-looking neighborhood and I don't want him to see it. =__= Yes, I am ashamed.