The Greatest Store Everrrrrrrrrrr

Jun 22, 2007 18:05

Maybe it's a New England thing, but the greatest store ever (Target is a close second) is the Christmas Tree Shop (technically 'christmas tree shops' but no one makes it plural). Despite its name, the only time this store actually sells Christmas stuff is at christmas time--of course christmas starts in like september there.

Anyway, they sell everything wicked cheap. The best ones are down the cape although I'm partial to the Shrewsbury one.

Christmas Tree Shop

my last trip to the christmas tree shop brought me to some lobster lights (3.99!)  that I heart times infinity (I was told on numerous occasions that my old lobster lights resembled male genitalia so the new ones are a must). I've got kind of an obsession with twinkle lights.

 <--my lobster lights

some of my other lights

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