Dec 13, 2004 13:50

Well folks, here is the official Monday update. Saturday was a bunch of fun, good times were had by everyone. Next time I will bring myself a jacket and pain pills though, as my body couldn’t handle all the fun. Every time I go to Disney, I see something new too. Its enjoyable. They had “it’s a small world” closed, as well as 20,000 leagues under the sea (thank goodness, doing something with it finally!). I wish they would either bring back the cable cars or do something to the buildings too, but what do I know. I also took a picture of the “injun joe” boat for Tom Sawyer island. As someone with american indian in them, I was offended. I want to know where the “negro jim” boat is. What, they don’t have one? Too offensive? Go figure. Anyway, I still havent ridden the “pooh” ride that replaced mr.toads wild ride, never have ridden on snow white, and they tore out alien encounter and replaced it with a stitch ride. I cant imagine anything as bad as what WAS in there originally, the mission to mars bullshit. I also have NEVER seen the place as crowded as it was. There was a 10 minute line to get on the people mover!! And a 10-12 minute wait to go to Tom Sawyer island!! Those things NEVER had lines and they did. They did have the “carousel of progress” open, which was cool, it was closed the last 3 times I was there (it’s a seasonal ride, seems when theres no lines at space mountain, people don’t want to ride the carousel of progress, go figure.) Kinda stinks that they changed the music in it, as “now is the time, now is the best time” is long gone. Guess its not the best time anymore. They changed it to some other candy coated song. Not bad, but im an ass for the way things were. We did miss a lot of rides due to the lines, but we also caught a lot of rides that normally I don’t go on. The company was fantastic. My one biggest complaint: 16 ounce bud, $5.50. That’s right kids, $5.50 for ONE beer. ONE. I never ever ever want to hear any fans complain about my $3 beers again.

Sunday I was going to head to the resort, but it was so damn cold, there would have been no point. I really need to work on the tan some, as it has been a while since I have had the chance to, I just need 3 things to cooperate: A day off, a day where the temperature isnt cold, and the sun to be out. Cant have two of three, or its pointless. Maybe next Sunday, if mother nature is friendly to me.

My day job has been keeping me real real busy as of late, which is good. Makes the time go faster, I just don’t want to get overwhelmed by it again, as its a lot of building for one person to take care of and they don’t seem to know/care about that. Still looking to open up my storefront, looking at a realistic date of mid-january. Sooner would be better, but fiscal realities demand that it take a bit longer. I just hope it takes off like I think it will. I still have stuff to do with getting it rolling, like getting the phone number advanced, ect. All in time. I also have things in the works wrestling-wise. Good foundation, I have a lot of the ground work done, just need a few things to come together for me to kick it. If they don’t come together, I likely wont kick it, as there would be no point. I am not going to do the wrestling thing and beat myself up over it like I used to. Being a firm beleiver in the K.I.S.S. principle, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Don’t have a date yet to kick this pig, depends on when things come together. Worst case, I dump off my ground work I have done on someone else and ride their train. Its all good.
Swung by the garage to look at the wagon, and imagine my surprise when it was IN THE PAINT BOOTH!! That’s right kids, Zilla’s ol battlewagon was freshly primed, and taped off ready to get sprayed!! What a great thing that will be to finally have my car back. Looking good, running good, and driving good! Its been well over a year since the car went in, that in my mind, I don’t even have much memory of the car, as I only drove it maybe 200 miles when I purchased it. It WAS a lowrider 64 wagon with a 1985 305 smog motor hooked up to the original 2 speed powerglide. Sucker wouldn’t go over 70 cause of it either. Now? Sheit, 400+ hp in a bored/stroked/balanced/beefed 350 with a TH350 3 speed tranny, so it should have some legs on the highway now too! I also brought it back off the ground, had the front end worked on, as well as the driveshaft, new door seals, tons of new parts all over it. I do need to get seatbelts put in the thing, as it doesn’t have any at all currently, and I insist on sholder harnesses. Between the wagon and the boat(s), it has been the year of the money pit. The boats are gone, the wagon is about to stop costing me money (other than insurance, tags, and A LOT of gas), and I am going to work on getting my finances in order early in the year too. I owe people money, and I want to take care of that first and foremost. Christmas this year is going to be scarce pickins too. Few gifts for immediate family, and that’s about it unfortunately. Everyone else can expect a card and maybe a lotto ticket. Maybe.

Weekend coming up is the NWA-Sunray year end awards festivities. Should be a good time, we have food coming in, open bar, typical bullshit holiday thing, cept we are giving away awards. Have had the date confirmed for 3 weeks too, just to find that NWA-Fla suddenly is hosting their christmas thing the same night in Tampa. I don’t think it was an intentional thing, just wish they would have said something earlier, as a bunch of folks RSVP’d they would be coming, I have the food ordered off that, and now they cant make it cause they are heading there. I mean, I fully understand why, and have no problem with the reasoning, just wish they would have given me a heads up.

I also think I am about sick of a number of people in the business too, and have no problem cutting them the hell out of things. Sure, I am sure I will get some heat, but like I have said in the past, I am done being nice when it comes to people that arent nice to me. Im sick of being nice all the time, and am done with it. I know a lot of people in the business have a problem with me because I am relatively new, and have done so much promotion-wise in such a short time. I hear the shit about how I never paid any dues, how I didn’t do this, didn’t do that. Fact of it is quite simple, I paid dues for a good year setting up rings before I started sunray when I had no chance of ever being on a show. I was the grunt/pissant/gofer for FOW for its last year around, and was happy to do that.

As the owner of the promotion, when I owned it, I set up my ring or at least helped. I took care of the details, big and small, and I busted my ass to get Sunray where it was. Anyone who thinks that I didn’t bust my ass is a fucking moron who can suck my left nut. I did things in my short time that nobody else was able to do in such a short time. I drew a legit crowd, I made money, I got asses in the seats, and EVERYONE on the show got paid. Who else can make that claim? Look at that last sentence and read it over slowly. Good crowd, the promotion made money, had asses in seats, and everyone got paid. Hell, I even talked a sponsor into feeding everyone after the show, and paying me for the right to do it! Sure, some of the boys thank me, others don’t. Some give me shit, some don’t. Those that do give me shit, if I start my new thing and you arent called to work it, don’t wonder why.

Look at the other promotions that have started or were around when I started. Where are they now? Im not going to name the promotions, but think about it. I am still here. Most of them arent. Hell, I can name 4 promotions off the top of my head that are doing real bad, bad enough to where they arent even running shows, at least not lately.

Well, enough of my rant, my lunch break is over and I have to get back to work.
See ya on the flip side, kids..
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