Title: Study Room F
Fandom: Community
Song & Artist: Maps (TGIK Remix) by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (re-remixed with Community-ness)
Description: "They don't love you like I love you"
So, this video took forever to make. I started it a while back now, with just the song (a song in which I've wanted to make a vid to for so long that when I heard this version I HAD to make it). Then I got a little ambitious and re-(re)mixed (cause the song was already a remix) the song with added Community-ness. It started off with some simple Jeff speeches. And then it grew. And kept growing. Next thing I know I'm looking for funny quotes that happen to rhyme with whatever Jeff speech I'm working around...
...It's morphed into this...
I finished that sometime in June I think. Then I moved onto the video portion, and I'm telling you it's changed a LOT. Over and over again. At first I had some extreme effects, tons of clips and super fast beat edits. Then I told myself that was too much and started over. I've started over about 15 times and hopefully I've found a happy medium.
Probably not my best video, editing wise, it kinda feels all over the place. However, I really hope you enjoy the remix :)
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