A Terrible Thing

Jun 09, 2010 20:14

A little while back, we discovered a terrible thing.

A friend had been keeping a secret. One so horrible, that had it been widely disclosed would have shocked those who thought they knew them. Only now have we come to terms with it, and feel able to share it with you, not to humiliate that person but so that we can help them through it.

For what are friends for if not to step in to lend support, when a crippling weakness reveals someone they thought they knew to be a shallow, empty thing, devoid of the empathy and love afforded by simple human connection and shared experiences.

There's no easy way to say this. majic13 has never seen Babylon 5. I know. Horrible, isn't it...

Easier though it might be to shower pity, scorn or even abuse, that's not who we are. Instead myself and cream_horn have instead vowed to help him, and we wanted to share this intervention with you, so that you can support him through what may be a traumatic and troubling period.

The Rules

majic13 has to watch the entirety of Babylon 5. We agonised over the "series 5" question, and whether to force him to watch all of the slightly weak and wooden first series. In the end we thought, screw it. We may have a change of heart but for now its the full works. And yes that does include "Grey 17 Is Missing" - suck it up like we all had to.

It did cross our mind that some craftiness might go on. To combat this there will be 2 safeguards. Firstly after watching each episode he has to tweet a comment about it. It shouldn't contain outright plot spoilers, but should convey some of the mood or reactions to the episode.

Secondly myself and cream_horn will be setting an exam, either after each season, or more likely at the very end, to thoroughly test his knowledge of the characters, setting and story. Impartial observers are welcome to send us questions and we'll review these for inclusion. We've yet to determine the structure this exam will take - those with experience of exam adjudication may be called upon...

In an ideal world people would want to do the right thing, to address a glaring character defect or personal failing. However we understand that if they had that strength we wouldn't be in this position. As such the most effective interventions include some sort of incentive, to help motivate the subject in their darker hours. In this case, once we're satisfied that majic13 has both watched and fully understood the full show, we'll give him £50. There may even be an award ceremony. Who knows...


I know what you're all asking right now. What can you do to help? Easy - give majic13 your love and support. He's no doubt going to go through some rough times - season 2 isn't all roses. There will be occasions when he wants to give up, maybe even break down and cry a little. If that happens, be understanding. Let him work it out of his system, and then be there to encourage him on.

His reward will be monetary. Ours will be a friend returned, one who we can once again look at in the eye without revulsion, pity or fear. And surely we'll all be the richer for that.

Thank you.
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