Runnymede Weekender

Mar 22, 2010 20:47

A week of slightly mixed fortunes. The second half of the week was marred by feeling like poo. Not much fun, though it did allow me to catch up on True Blood once I started to feel a bit better.

Most annoyingly it meant I wasn't well enough for the grand 160th birthday party, which I wasn't happy about at all. I did nearly force myself to go anyway, but not having left the house or eaten nought but a few bits of toast for nearly 3 days meant it would have ended badly.

Fortunately the rest of the weekend was better.

Saturday afternoon was our Descent campaign, or the Bipolar Express as its been coined. The party did pretty well, surviving a few encounters better than I'd expected, only to get unlucky with some sneaky traps. Apologies to magic13 for squishing him twice...

The evening brought part two of cream_horn's increasingly ill named "Party Game". Following last month's blow torch fuelled fun I thought this month would inevitably be a bit of a come down, but I received an awesome NPC brief in my inbox on Friday afternoon that got me all excited again.

The game was finally revealed to be Amber based (with some pretty major rewrites in places), but the character generation and lead in for the players from last month made it much more interesting than if they'd known that to start with, or so it seemed to me. Suffice to say I got to play another character of dubiousness. This time it was Brand, albeit in helpful, disguised mode. It reminded me what an intricate and open setting Amber is, and how cool it can be for politics and world changing extravaganzas - not suited to an ongoing campaign perhaps but great fun in bite sized chunks. I shall definitely have to reread the series (the first one anyway)...

Its quite a tall order to drop brand new contemporary characters into a totally different setting and then turn their characters upside down as well, but the players all handled it really well, and it seemed to be different enough to be fun and engaging.

Depending on what happens next I may be asked to turn up in a cocktail dress, heels and stockings, though personally I suspect it will be revealed that the entire game is in fact taking place on the nose of a jack russell...

Sunday was Mortals day. A time for consolidation and revisiting somewhere we'd previously fled from. This time we did some actual investigation - like proper grown ups and everything. We also had a visitor, which was great, partly because its just nice to have people come and enjoy our game and partly because he added a lot to the session. Sounds like he may be a regular, which is both scary and cool.

The highlight has to be the "apology cake", which was hoovered up before I got even a taste. Thankfully Seth was soon back on form upsetting the laydees soon after, and I was able to retrieve a thrown jaffa cake and give it a good home (in my tummy!)

Anyway another scorching Runnymede Weekender. Long may they continue!

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