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May 12, 2009 00:44

OMG IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE BEEN ON HERE! I've just been so bloody busy, what with A Levels and the new job, and a drama performance exam I had going on. It's been crazy! Even now I literally have two seconds to type this out. Tomorrow I'll do a proper one :)
  1. Work AMAZING! I get on with everyone sooo well, and I found out I was one of 10 chosen out of 130! :D We've been trained in almost everything and we only have a bit left. But, I'm doing a lot of night shifts, which is making me constantly exhausted, and cutting into my school work. That's about the only downside. Other than that it's all really exciting and scary and anignirwh ihinhirn!
  2. A levels are going okay-ish. All my coursework is done and sent off, which is a huge load off my back. Now it's just down to revising!
  3. Did a Theatre Studies final performance last Thursday that is 20% of my final grade and I got an A :D We all got top band marks which is really fantastic, considering during the day we'd been crying and feeling like shit. We were sure we were going to fail, and even our teacher told us she was so angry with us because she'd watched a rehearsal and thought it was terrible. But luckily we somehow pulled it out on the night :) We went out for a drink and meal afterwards to celebrate and it was funfunfun :)
  4. The Dollhouse season finale was SO GOOD! If I doesn't get renewed I'll cry :(
  5. Bones is half amazing phemomeal omg i love it and half hmmm, i'm not so sure. I'm going to see how the finale goes before I judge.
  6. So sorry I've been a shit friend recently! Hopefully starting tomorrow I'll be getting a lot better.

bones, drama, odeon, dollhouse, yay, a to the level, :), hmm, school, work, :d

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