(no subject)

Nov 22, 2008 23:37

So my brother was attacked last night. He was out with his friend Paul and Paul's sister, when some guy came and got a bit too friendly with the sister. Paul and my brother both tried to say something to the effect of excuse me stop molesting her thank you and then the guy went for my brother and hit him. James, the brother, obviously hit him back and then the guy ran off. He left my brother with a huge fat lip and a bloody shirt, so he basically can't eat or drink anything properly. I had to cut his dinner up for him because he couldn't bite into things. Although Paul said he was pretty sure James broke the guys nose, so that's good lol. the Police are coming round tomorrow to talk to him, although I doubt anything will come of it. This comes two days after my brother dislocated his wrist, so needless to say he's pretty depressed. Not to mention he became redundant a week or so ago. This is a seriously shit time for him.

:( I wish there was something I could do other than make him lunch and get him drinks, etc. I just feel a bit useless, tbh.

:(, family, real life

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