And she aches just like a woman, but she breaks just like a little girl

Nov 19, 2008 22:06

  1. My new icon is possibly the single most awesome thing to have ever grace this planet.
  2. I am literally dead on my bloody feet. Over the last two weeks I've been averaging 4.5 - 5 hours sleep a night, and golly gosh is it now catching up with me. It's because I've had so much work to do. Also I just feel so stressed and bogged down and crazy. My head is a literal mess.
  3. I finally had my 18th party last Saturday with my friends. It was pretty awesome, I didn't get to sleep till about 5am and needless to say I was a bit squiffy. But it was amazing :)
  4. Which reminds me! David Tennant 6 ft cut out pictures will be coming soon, I promise!
  5. I'm doing my English Language Coursework on Robert Downey Jr. That is fucking BRILLIANT.
  6. *yawn*

awesome, friends, :), birthday, party, alcomahol, school

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