hot damn

Jun 01, 2005 21:19

i totally forgot to review the social d. show on may 21.
i didn't have a voice that day so i couldn't sing along. only mouth the words. maria was there with leslie. before the show, jonny was outside with charlie. didn't have the guts to go up to them. first band up was the lost city angels. i saw them at the....tiger army? show. EH, i liked them better the second time around. the eyeliners were up next. i must admit that i thoroughly enjoyed their set and part of it is because they're a chick band. you don't see many of those. they cursed quite a bit and the guitarist rocked equally as hard as the guys. THEY'RE ALL SISTERS TOO, go figure. i didn't notice it, but leslie pointed out this couple that was on the balcony making out. the girl had her friend there and she kept poking them and hitting them to get their attention. definately worth the $30 to go and see that. funny stuff. SOCIAL D finally came on. naturally crazy shit came out of ness' mouth. "when i was 13 i played with my GI Joes. granted, i graduated to lighting them on fire." "whatever you do, don't go to hampton beach. who in their right mind would live there, let alone take a fucking vacation there" "i said when was the last time you was in poughkeepsie mothafucka?" they get better everytime.
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