i'm allergic to children

Apr 27, 2005 00:02

before i proceed with a highly anticipated update...today in supa we discussed how people use livejournal like a diary and post on the internet so that everyone has access but they want it to be private. dumbasses.ANYWAY
agnes and i get to radio city and meet up with margaret whom i met on saturday. pretty decent space on line. i swear to god, a vessel was going to pop in my brain. first of all, there was this guy standing in front of us that was obese and had REALLY bad dandruff. i mean, this stuff was in huge flakes and exremely visible. he would scratch his head and the stuff would snow down onto his jacket. my tongue kept getting stuck in the back of my throat because i kept gagging. i came this ( ) close to vomiting. THEN, there were these kids a few people up that kept shouting out how many minutes were left until doors opened. jesus. i swear, there really should be an age limit to these things. we finally get in but it was about another hour before the opening band came on. i forget what they were called and i didn't really care for them. they sounded like hawthorne heights and fall out boy and early november and all those other crap bands. they get off and GC comes on. during i just wanna live, the place became a dance party. awesome awesome show but it won't hit me for another couple of days. the tiger army show didn't even hit me yet. sharon binford was there, of all people! i think hilary duff was standing off to the side too, but i'm not sure because i couldn't see that well. whoever sat in the first three rows would know. wouldn't surprise me. there was this couple infront of us that kept making out and it was annoying as fuck. pda should be limited to just holding hands. i took a picture using flash hoping they'd stop but noooooo. lemme just say that gc fans suck and are annoying because the majority of them are under the age of 16. hopefully within the next year, they will find something else to ruin and go away. what baffles me and drives me crazy though is that i can get right up front for rancid, and social d and dropkick murphys but i can't get to the front for friggin gc. goddamn kids. sonsofbitches.
and now, a few highlighted quotes from the show-
"distracting isn't it"-benji on the giant screens showing him talking. ~then proceeds to give the finger~
"billy, how are you feeling. we know if something becomes cool if billy likes it. billy was on the box for life cereal back in 1985"-benji
"that was mikey you idiot"-joel
"that joel is soo dreamy"-benji
"this song goes out to my brother josh madden and my other brother marvin madden. our long lost brother. come home, daddy misses you."-benji
"guys, i want to apologize for myself. i shouldn't be allowed to have a mic"-benj
"i directed it!no i made that up, but i starred in it though"-benj on the we believe video
"we belieeevvveee, we belieeevvveee, weeee believe innn starbucks"-joel
"i want to thank real for having us, keeping it real.i've been saving that for all night"-joel
"i don't want to real you in or anything"-benj
"its your life, now go home and download it. download your life. that is the new catchphrase."-benj
"the price was right.$free.99"-benj on how the concert cost nothing.

and so that was my night and i will probably not wake up tomorrow on time.
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