Apr 25, 2008 02:08

OOC: These files can never be accessed. They are not saved on the mainframe or on Yumiko's laptop, but on a memory stick she keeps at the bottom of the perscriptions cabinet in an empty box of paracetamol.

Assessment of students as of April 25th, 2008.

Sadaharu is the kind of person who seems uncomfortable in his own body. This may be because his body does seem to be built one or two sizes too big for the uniform - or may be suffering withdrawal. He is incredibly wary of me, and seems to think I want to sexually harrass him.

Which I don't.


UPDATE: Sadaharu's first private entries have branded me as an unlikeable whore of babylon. Would loathe him for this if not for his complete lack of social understanding. Friendly words are not enough to coax him out of his shell. Continually claims that I am fake.

UPDATE: Have made progress. Sadaharu was seperated without contact from his parents. After a discussion last night, have restored contact to parents. Have promised to drop "mask" in return for openness on his part.

His insomnia is very severe. Refuses to take medication. Snaps when tired. Find solution fast before permanent health is affected.

... he said, as he was leaving, that he didn't hate me.

This job is worth it.

Taichi and I would get along well were we not in St. Jude's. He is very like Syuusuke - polite to a fault and seemingly open and bubbly, but his smile is constant and unfelt.

UPDATE: Taichi continually questions the school rules, following the letter rather than the spirit of the law. On noticing that uniforms are not gender specified, and that pyjamas were not stated to be worn only in dorms, he requested a school skirt and suggested wearing PJs to gym.

UPDATE: Taichi has addressed me directly in his private entries. Is being purposely bratty. Keep a close eye on.

Hajime seems to be a typical fashionista. He is extremely egotistical and sports an unhealthy fascination with his hair. Kindly pointed out my bra during session and suggested that I gain weight so as not to look anorexic.

UPDATE: Hajime is having extreme difficulty staying celibate. He seems to be going into withdrawal, displaying violent moodswings (noted as normal in his files). Continuously flouts rules by propositioning over journals and in health class.

UPDATE: Hajime today tried to force himself on me. I am sure this was a sign of desperation in withdrawal as I am under the firm suspicion that he is gay. He came away missing a handful of hair. Did not seem to care.

UPDATE: Hajime's mood has drastically changed. Behaves like a drug addict having been given a much-craved fix. Suspect he has had sex.

UPDATE: Hajime is intensely loyal. Threatening various awful punishments if he did not tell me who he'd slept with did not work. Had to resort to emotional blackmail. Keep Hajime under close eye; although he showed sincere remorse (not because of his misdemeanor, but because of the trouble he may have gotten his partner in cirme into) he is likely to transgress again.

NOTE: Other students may be bullying Hajime. He is often called Princess and asked of his transvesticism.

Kenya has had difficulty settling in. Seems quiet and sullen, but of no real threat. Supplied him with permission to use his CD player in the hopes of helping him sleep.

UPDATE: Kenya has yet to cause any trouble.

NOTE: Mark of good behaviour on his report.

Choutarou is a problem case. He does not, however, intend to be. He is sweet, timid and intelligent with a strong will to get better. This behaviour endears him to many students, but should he derail, he will bring a lot of students with him.

UPDATE: Choutarou was not quite as strong as originally thought. Goaded by Hajime, he engaged in sexual relations with him. When questioned, he was very sincerely sorry, but said that Hajime had been in pain and obviously suffering.

NOTE: Mark of good behaviour on his report.


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