Harajuku and Shibuya! (With some Yokosuka lolz)

Aug 02, 2009 00:58


Under heeeere )

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android_raptor August 9 2009, 23:16:30 UTC
I want that shirt in the last photo. It looks like SEX.

One day I want to make a pilgrimage to Japan for the sole purpose of getting Gundam stuff. Because UC gets no love IN AMERICA and my hunger for new Ghinius-related nonsense will never be satisfied.

'Sup from a fellow UC fan BTW.


nuriko_chan August 10 2009, 02:09:01 UTC
You know, it's the weirdest thing. UC gets no live in America, but 08th MS Team doesn't seem to get any love anywhere, which is such a shame, because it is the best. At least I think so.

Hiya! Welcome to my LJ.


android_raptor August 10 2009, 12:00:00 UTC
I think it gets a bit splooged over too much in American UC communities, though the love for Ghinius (mai husbando <3) is minimal at best. He seems to have at least a small fanbase in Japan based on some fanart sites I have bookmarked (though some of my favs have grown inactive or died over the years :( ), though in the West I'm pretty much all he's got it seems ( ... )


nuriko_chan August 10 2009, 17:29:27 UTC
I meant mostly merchandise wise. There may be a lot of mecha models and things from the show (I'm not sure, that's usually not what I'm in the market for), but you don't see a lot of gashapon, figures, etc of the 08th MS Team crew.

I'm not really very active in the Gundam fandom (or any, really) so I'm not in the loop with how others feel about it.


android_raptor September 12 2009, 17:49:01 UTC
Aww, sucks. Figured as much. I see a good bit of Aina-related stuff on Y!Japan auctions, along with a little of Shiro, Norris, and any Zeon female who had any lines at all in the OVA (I kid you not), but everyone else... nope, sorry, out of luck. I know there's *one* garage kit of Ghinius in existence, but it's from '03 or before and it's not something that'd be available most places (from what I understand, artists who do garage kits really only tend to sell them at cons and shit due to lack or resources, etc). Though because of this I ended up getting into 1/6 scale custom dolls, which is a pretty fun though money-devouring hobby :V ( ... )


nuriko_chan September 13 2009, 18:12:02 UTC
Any Zeon female who had any lines? Do you mean that blonde secretary who was tied up or whatever? I would not mind having a figure of her because she was straight fire. Not even going to front.

Haha, hated_character? I don't even remember being in that community and would rather not be held accountable for opinions I had when I was like 15? (There's a Char Aznable quote that could be appropriate here, isn't there?)

At the risk of being rude here, but since it's in my LJ and I'm well within my rights, I... do not care so much about your yaoi plans, heh.


android_raptor September 13 2009, 21:37:19 UTC
Ah, sorry if I shoved it in your face then. I may be stupidly fangirly over yaoi, but it's rude and ignorant as hell of me to expect everyone to feel the same way. Need to stop that like woah. Though curious, how do you feel about yuri? *hides ( ... )


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