Harajuku and Shibuya! (With some Yokosuka lolz)

Aug 02, 2009 00:58


Under heeeere )

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android_raptor September 13 2009, 21:37:19 UTC
Ah, sorry if I shoved it in your face then. I may be stupidly fangirly over yaoi, but it's rude and ignorant as hell of me to expect everyone to feel the same way. Need to stop that like woah. Though curious, how do you feel about yuri? *hides*

Yeah, though I can say flat out that the posts I saw were infinitely more intelligent and mature than some of the crap I posted when I was 15. You at least backed up your opinions with logic instead of rabid, hormonal squealing ._.

And hell yeah, next to Aina Cynthia seems to be the most common 08th character to make shit of. Check these out:

http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k46895908 -seems to be $20-ish w/no bids yet.
http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f78594720 -same figure as above, though $13-ish w/9 bids but only 16 hours left.
http://page17.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/v114899823 -another of the same + the Aina from the same series and less than a day left w/0 bids.
http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g41023044 -a resin garage kit that seems to be $170 or so.

Those are just what I was able to find right now. I've seen at least 4 or 5 different figures of her (mostly garage kits) that pop up from time to time, so those two are not the only figures in existence.

I don't know if you've ever bought anything from Y!Japan, so please tell me if I need to either stop stating the obvious or tell you more.

Though on occasion a Cynthia figure will pop up on ebay, though sellers tends to mislabel her as Alice Miller from what I've seen (along with some similar game-only characters).

And yeah, sorry if I'm annoying you or acting stupid.


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