Jul 22, 2010 16:49
Thursday, July 22nd 2010 at 4:00pm
I'm having a pretty good day today. I've gone through another chapter of my novel adding in the new character I've added to change the tone of the book. That's the first six chapters I've done that with now. I've done some drawing on this crazy picture of pink and blue stairs. I've read a chapter in Issola, a Vladimir Taltos adventure by Steven Brust. And I've read a bit more of “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus,” just because it's interesting reading - not because I actually feel I need the relationship advice.
I did some cleaning in the 'living area' of the room. Yesterday we moved the book shelves from the 'living area' into the bedroom. We had been sort-of using the extra space in the bedroom as a place to work out, but I felt that it was too cramped. Also, Paladin has not been reading with me because he likes to read in his chair and I like to read on the bed. So now that the bookshelves are in the bedroom along with his cozy chair, we can both read in the same room. In addition, there is now a size-able space to workout in that is somewhat between the kitchen and our desk area.
Hence, the area we moved the bookshelves from wasn't and still isn't quite entirely clean. There were various things hiding behind and around the shelves and chair.
I've eaten a hass avocado and a pink lady apple today. I have not felt like eating any more than that. I got up at 10:30am this morning, which is when Paladin set the alarm to go off for me since I didn't get up when he did. Despite having been up for five and half hours, I feel satisfied with how much I've eaten, and don't feel hungry. I've been trying to eat less lately, and succeeding. Some of the most healthy people eat tiny meals that are merely a few bites throughout their day, without ever having what most people consider a 'normal sized' meal. And some, only eat one 'normal sized' meal a day.
I'm glad to be writing again. It makes my mind so much less cluttered, and so much more focused.
I write to Pony July 22nd 2010 at 12:20pm;
I may or may not let you guys cook anything for me - since I'm trying to go 'all raw' - it's just very tough for me when some many 'raw dishes' are based in vegetables I don't like.
[She had said; “While you're here you'll have to show us some of you're favorite fruit and nut dishes. We like variety! Maybe we can cook a bit for you too!”]
And going raw isn't about eating nothing but fruit smoothies all day, I'm afraid. It might be easier after Paladin and I do an intense detox, which we're planning on doing soon.
I'll be drinking nothing but water for three weeks, (and this may be TMI but, doing lots of enemas as well - the average healthy person carries around 15lbs of shit all the time; yuck.)
And because doing nothing but water flavored water will be impossible for me, I've figured out a way to spice it up just enough to get some flavor without ruining the effect; I'm going to blend up fresh limes and lemons in the morning and put them into a pitcher of water for the day, and also make garlic tea infusions. (Mushed garlic in hot water, essentially.)
I'll probably also be taking Markus Rothkranz's detox pills which are filled with very potent enemies of bacteria, parasites, and sludge. I'd be taking them for three months, which would go like this;
Month 1
Three weeks of water fasting.
One week of water fasting with one vegetable smoothie a day.
Month 2
Three weeks of nothing but smoothies (made from entirely fresh, raw ingredients, so that there are tons of enzymes in them to fully breakdown the food, leaving nothing behind for parasites.)
One week of smoothies, with one raw meal a day.
Month 3
All raw food, all the time, with at least one smoothie a day.
After doing that, people report that their shit no longer smells anymore. This is because the smell comes from bacteria and the gas they release, as well as from toxins inside your body that you're always trying to get rid of, but can never fully excrete. In other words, a really, really, really health person's shit doesn't stink. Pretty crazy, huh?
And that is just the weird benefit. All the other benefits are typical. People report more energy, feeling lighter, sleeping better, and so forth. What's interesting about the sleeping better part is why you sleep better.
We all have parasites; they are what cause gas and intestinal inflammation and so forth. And since pretty much every human on the planet has them, we are constantly reintroduced to them. Our bodies are filled with partly-digested particles which are a feast for parasites. (When you eat enough enzymes and have smoothies and chew your food thoroughly you no longer have undigested particles in your intestines for parasites to thrive on.)
These parasites are up all day and all night. They are especially active after you've eaten something sweet, or any meal you couldn't fully digest. Since most people's dinner fits the bill, these parasites are often very active while people are trying to sleep.
Because your gut, spine and brain are so intimately connected, you are given cravings in your mind based on what is going on in your gut. Parasites cause unhealthy cravings. They are often the cause of an overactive sweet-tooth, or an overwhelming desire for bread. Getting rid of the lot of them frees you from these cravings entirely so that you can experience what it feels like to be in your body without any other influence in your body except you!
And so, I want to do it. I've been thinking about it for a couple months, and coming up with plans, like the limes, lemons and garlic, to make it possible for me to stick to it.
[Pony mentioned; “I have ulterior motives for my book. It's a work of fiction set in the near future. I want to show through a number of different characters perspectives how our knowledge of genetics is changing life. Have you heard all of the news about synthetic life? If not, you should look into it.”]
In terms of your book. If you're really serious about it, perhaps we could exchange beta services? I help my mom with her book and I used to help my writer's group with their various projects. I never found anyone who was able to do for me the same sort of thing in the detail I could do for them though.
A really good beta will stop and write a note for the author on every single thing that throws them off, as it throws them off, so that they don't forget to point it out, and highlight what they're talking about in the document so the author can easily find what is being referred to. It's effective, and a huge eye-opener. I've seen other people do it, and I've done it myself, but sadly I never find anyone else who has the time and energy to do that sort of high-level feedback for me.
I'm definitely aiming for publishing my book. Although, I seriously need to get my ass in gear if I'm going to.
What's it about? Well, that'd be super hard to sum up. It's a fantasy/science-fiction novel taking place in a nation consisting of one planet and it's moons. The main character is a girl who is going through some unusual changes... Hrm. I'll send you the prologue. :p
[Pony wrote; “I've attempted to attach a picture of Sir William. He's incredibly mischievous.”]
Sir William Blake... looks like a cat. I'm very shocked by this.
I just blended up a fresh lemon into some water. I'm going to try to get used to drinking water that way. Much more time consuming than using lemon juice, but undoubtedly less expensive, and even more undoubtedly healthier.