Dec 09, 2009 13:15
Wednesday, December 9th 2009 at 1:59pm
The sharp crack of thunder startles me into pulling my pants up as I stand. I did not want to try shaving my privates bald for the first time in (three years?) ages to that tune. Hurriedly, feeling a sense of urgency for no reason whatsoever, I rush over to my laptop, tying the strings of my pants back together.
It's Wednesday, I notice. I check that the Writer's Meeting isn't until next week. It's going to be at Walrus's house. I really ought to finish transcribing his play before then. I shall get back to work on it now.
Wednesday, December 9th 2009 at 4:21pm
Upon the subtle hints that Paladin gave me... that I ought to shave, I have gone boldly bald for what I believe to be the first time in around three years. To be honest, I don't like it. I feel that it looks odd and unnatural. And despite spending an hour at it, it's still rough to the touch against the grain. It's also odd because I (apparently) had a tendency to play with my hairs - and now I just reach there and feel this... sandpaper. [shudders]
I expected to be smoother with all the precautions I went about. Upon Paladin's advice I used alcohol before and after to kill off the bacteria that cause razor burn, and also cleaned my razor prior as well. And I used my skintimate shaving cream (which I always used to use for my legs and years back for my netherparts) and my venus razor... And I was so damn careful, and so very pointedly shaved in all directions...
I am most displeased with it. It's kinda cool, only in that it's different. I had grown confident in my fuzzy bush that stuck out of my panties. Even though I found it to be ugly, and disliked the look of it; it was natural and soft to the touch. But I don't like it this way either. In fact, to be entirely honest, I dislike the way my pussy looks in general. (TMI, anybody?)
I prefer girls with that ultra-smooth completely wrinkle-free look. And perhaps a soft neat and orderly down of hair. But of every sort I've seen in the various porns, mine is the least desirable in my opinion.
I've grown rather egotistical in the past couple of years. Porcupine doted on my appearance in it's full natural splendor, and then after I left him I found dates were fairly easy to come by, even if the prospects didn't much perk my interests. Nonetheless, I have become fairly confident in my appearance - with clothes on.
That isn't to say I felt abashed when undressing for Cerylidae, Unicorn or Turtle... But the idea of being naked in person with Paladin sort of scares me. What he has to say about me counts. Cerylidae could have pointed out the imperfect skin that covers my rear, and I would have felt a bit embarrassed, but I would have easily recovered. Turtle could have said something and I would have shrugged and told him he wasn't going to get any from anyone if he was picky about a little uneven skin. Unicorn could have said something, and I would have said, “yeah, oops, I'm not perfect, wanna make something of it?” But the mere thought of Paladin's critique fills me with dread.
There is just no way I can get enough exercise between now and January twenty-third to be all muscle from head to toe. Not without a personal trainer and a diet of protein and vegetables. I hate to be another lame looking for the easy way out, but the truth is, I really want to be fit, but I'm not sure if I want it badly enough to go through all the work it takes to get it. I've been working out more than I have, perhaps, ever... And I'm not sure if I'm noticing any results or not. 128 pounds, and counting.