Monday night (one of our last evenings together in February before Hibiscus would go off on another work trip and I would head to Sunnyland to visit Nelum) Hibiscus and I laid together in my bed. He read to me two and a half chapters from Hammer with God. We were two-thirds of the way through the book. It was far enough into the trilogy to talk in earnest about the concepts talked therein.
"I notice something has changed since you cut your hair," Hibiscus said.
"What's that?" I asked.
"You're talking more easily, sharing your thoughts without agonizing over how you say it. You're more willing to just let me take away from your words whatever I will, instead of trying to get it perfect."
I started into his bright blue eyes and nodded agreement. "You're right," I said. "The fear is gone." I chuckled. "It seems strange that I've really been so terrified that you'd just throw me out at any time."
It seemed that the dreadlocks had not only brought to the surface my inner-child's joy and delight, but also her insecurity and fear. With the dreadlocks no longer obscuring my field of vision or weighing down my head, I felt more sure of myself. I felt more sure of Hibiscus.
I talked and talked to him as he fell asleep. I even talked of Panda, detailing what had happened with him for the first time. It wasn't until that night that I was finally able to admit that I had fallen in love with Panda and that I was anguished by realizing our connection was so shallow. Panda wasn't beautiful enough to have a shallow relationship with. There was no purpose in that.
Tuesday morning
I finally wrote about my experience with Panda. It startled me how vivid some of my memories were. I looked around for what else had happened near that time. All I found from that same month was written a couple weeks later, which detailed at length my disillusionment and dissatisfaction with Paladin. (I've posted that
here. Hibiscus, my love, I think you might find these two posts I've linked interesting. Or at least, I'm flattered when you read my writing and tell me your thoughts about it.)