Mar 04, 2015 22:21
I'm spending a nice evening at home. Sleet hissing down like mad outside, accumulating on the streets. Definitely not going in to work tomorrow! I've got a small fire burning, too, which is super cozy. I've been doing some simple trimming on my new English bonnet. It's not the trimming for the Vernet plate, but I want to wear it to the archery thing this Saturday. So it's getting some dark brown silk ruching and a small curled ostrich plume in red.
But what really has me excited is finding some sheet music. My choir's big spring show is coming up in April. Last year it ended with an ensemble performance of "One Day More" from Les Misérables. This year, we brainstormed and I suggested "Masquerade" from Phantom. I always wanted to figure out what all the words are! And it took some searching, but I found the right arrangement. It's got the individual parts in it, an accompaniment that doesn't double the melody, what looks like authentic vocal scoring (including a high B flat as the highest), and it starts with Firmin and André instead of jumping into "Masquerade" immediately like every other arrangement. I'm SO looking forward to working on this!
home life,
weather:always exciting,
1800s:english straw bonnet,