Random Post is Random

May 26, 2011 12:36

 I've been out of school for a little over 2 weeks now and it feels like my summer's half over. I don't know if that's good or bad. But spending all this time with Ponyo and the rest of my family has been so much fun. I love baking all day and making dinner every night and I even love driving my little brothers to all their ball games every evening and doing laundry and cleaning. TTuTT I love being home.

I really need to quit being such a shut-in though, besides driving my little brothers, church on Sundays and jogging with Ponyo a few times a day I really don't leave my house at all. I can feel my friends starting to hate me for not wanting to see them right away... That's probably in my head, but still. Netflix is just too amazing.

I really need to have some friends over to eat all these things I've been baking. XD My mom is on a "diet", I don't eat processed foods and my step-dad and little brothers are weird and don't really eat sweets. So we have a mountain of cupcakes/bars/cookies and various other goodies piling up in the kitchen... BAKING IS JUST FUN, SRY.

ABOUT ART- As much as I love being home, I really miss my desk in my dorm room. When I sat at my own little space, specifically designed for working on art things, magic seemed to happen. Now that I'm home and the best place for me to work is the kitchen table, I can't function as well. I've done a few artsy things (which I will provide later) but I haven't really just DRAWN anything decent since I left school. I'VE TRIED, REALLY! Boosh, MGMT, Yo Gabba Gabba, original characters, SNL- EVERYTHING I just have no inspiration to draw anything decent. Art blocks are the worst. ;~;

Anyway, good news time, Yo Gabba Gabba Live is all new this year and there's a show close to where my best friend lives so we're getting backstage passes again. :D I hope DJ Lance remembers us, we got to hang out with him for so long last time it was awesome (but that's a long and incredible story). Also, I start working at the Humane Society in a few weeks in addition to my other job and I'm excited to have something to do.

All right, this is my first attempt at sewing... IT'S ANDREW VANWYNGARDEN, ALL RIGHT!? XD Made out of my old torn socks because I have so many with the coolest designs and nothing to do with them. Ben's in progress at the moment. c:

Here is a weird, (and kind of stupid) new kind of painting style (to me at least) that I wanted to try. At least you can tell who they are right... RIGHT!? Andrew and Ben of course. :B

Okay, just for reference to how obsessive I can get, here's most of my MGMT collection. (ooooh... I need to do a Yo Gabba Gabba one too! >:D)

And if you haven't seen Stefon on SNL, do me a favor and watch this. <33333 adorable.

image Click to view

and here's my dumb little SNL fanart. Heehee... I ship everything omg.

Oh and here's some really old watercolors I did. (First and only time using wc... eh...)


I had a Brobee but can't find the scan. ;-;

So here's a DJ Lance for the heck of it.

Now lastly, look at Ponyo and me! I don't usually post pictures of myself but I was actually feeling kind of... good? This day. I have no self-esteem and I hate it. ;-; (Ignore the cleavage ((or lack thereof)) plz)

slash, ben, mgmt, andrew, seth meyers, stefon, ygg, snl

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