The fruits of his labor

Jul 24, 2010 21:21

Hubby's idea this year was a 'small' garden, so as not to interfer too much with kitchen renovation time.  So he planted only about half the plants this year.

The garden didn't agree.  It has literally exploded.  With half the tomato plants, in one week we've already picked about 1/4 of the amount of tomatoes we got last year. Today he picked green beans and purple hulled peas.  The peppers are lackadasical, but the sunflowers are spectacular.

One day's picking.  Before:

And after:

As you can see, I've not yet done the back splash.  I'm waiting for the new window to be installed before doing the tiling.

Here are the first of our grapes:

They are deliciously sweet!

Some of my sunflowers:

A regular visitor to our front yard (along with several pals).  This one is a female.  The males have a red throat.

On the work front, I've taken on a lot of new duties.  I am now responsible for assigning each camp attendee to his or her team and figure out where they are going to sleep.  It's a very complicated job!  I've spent a lot of extra hours in the office this week.  I love the attention to detail that it requires, but until I get the the job down pat, I'll be working very, very hard.  Thankfully, my three clerks are amazing young women who understand my slight OCDness when it comes to the office.  Now one of them is in the office with me every day, doing my old duties while I learn my new.

work, hummingbird, sunflowers

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