Papas Universe - Pleasant Surprise

May 16, 2012 20:40

Title: Papas Universe - Pleasant Surprise
Pairing: Banghim
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG13
Summary: He has something to tell Yongguk, something important and it kind of scares him. It’s enough to make most men run scared.

‘You look distracted’

Himchan glances up from where he pushes rice cakes across his plate to find Yongguk staring at him. The elder male’s eyes are expectant and his lips turn up in the corners in an amused smile that makes Himchan’s heart flutter. He fidgets slightly from being caught, ducking his head to hide the blush that heats his cheeks. Yongguk laughs.

‘Yeah, sorry’ Himchan smiles apologetically.

Himchan watches as Yongguk reaches across the table, his large hand curling around Himchan’s. His palms are a little rough but they’re warm and the way his thumb strokes across the back of his hand is extremely comforting. For a moment Himchan finds himself falling back into his thoughts; wondering how those hands would feel on his skin. ‘Penny for your thoughts?’ Himchan squeezes Yongguk’s hand before pulling back. Butterflies swirl up in his stomach, his nerves suddenly kicking in. Yongguk cocks his head to a side and Himchan reaches for his wine, swallowing the lump in his throat.

It’s their fifth date and this is make or break for Himchan. He has something to tell Yongguk, something important and it kind of scares him. It’s enough to make most men run scared. Usually it doesn’t bother him that much, he knows it’s a risk and he has his ways of dealing with it but Yongguk... Yongguk broke through all his defences in just one date. Himchan doesn’t usually let himself get close to the men he dates, they never usually make it passed the third date anyways but Yongguk has charmed him with his gummy smile and strong personality. He’s gentle and playful and Himchan admires his determination.

‘Yongguk ssi’ Himchan worries his lip.

The elder quirks a brow and chews slowly at his food. There’s a hint of worry and confusion flittering across his face. Himchan clears his throat and takes a long gulp of wine, swishing it around his mouth to buy a few more seconds. He pushes the butterflies and worry down and unconsciously squares his shoulders.

‘I have a kid’

He watches Yongguk with baited breath, takes in the way the elder’s eyes widen and his eyebrows shoot up. His jaw slackens and he gulps down whatever food is in his mouth, pounding his chest when something gets stuck. ‘A kid?’ Repeats the elder; voice low and surprised. Himchan nods.  This part of the night usually goes one of two ways. Yongguk will either make his excuses and leave now or he’ll stick around till dinner is finished, find an excuse to leave and never call Himchan again.

Yongguk’s reaction is nothing like what Himchan inspected.

Yongguk laughs.

He actually fucking laughs. He hides it behind a fist but his eyes crease until they’re almost completely shut and Himchan just watches curiously. They never laugh. Never. There must be a reason for it, some way to explain it away but the only thing Himchan can come up with is that Yongguk is insane.

Yongguk finally stops laughing some minutes later and when he does, there’s a stupid smile spread wide across his face. He looks completely mental and for a moment Himchan fears he might have hit the nail on the head with his silly guess. ‘Himchan ssi’ He chuckles, eyes falling to the slender male for a few moments before he glances away, smile growing. It takes him a few moments for him to compose himself and Himchan puts his chopsticks down when he notices Yongguk reaching for his wallet.

Oh. Reaction number one.

He’s not exactly sure what to say when Yongguk slides his open wallet across the table. Himchan glances down and it takes a few moments for him to register what he sees. The face of a small boy, maybe three or four years old, staring up at him. He’s cute with large eyes and chubby cheeks - he looks around the same age as his own adopted son, Jongup. Himchan carefully picks up the wallet to take a closer look.

Yongguk just grins.

‘So do I, Kim Himchan. So do I’

pairing: yongguk/himchan, papas universe, rating: pg13

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