Title: Love letters
Pairing: Banghim
Genre: Humour and Fluff?
Rating: PG13
Warning: Language
Summary: Unconventional love letters between Yongguk and Himchan
Author's notes: My beta mentioned a book called '642 things to write about' and when I looked it up there was one item called 'Write a love letter to someone you dislike'.
To Dear Kim Himchan
I hate you.
You’re ridiculously vain and you wear too much make-up. What are you a girl or something?
You wear your pants so fucking tight your thighs look like they’ll explode at any moment. It’s a wonder your ass isn’t any bigger with all that fabric it eats. You take way too fucking long in the shower and Daehyun ssi always bitches about it. You’re supposed to be our visual but you constantly do this thing with your eyes, you know the one I mean - the creepy eyes. Gives me the fucking creeps just thinking about it. You’re the weirdest visual I know. I wish we could swap you for Jaehyo ssi or Kiseop ssi - at least they can do aegyo.
You’re childish and you never help me with the younger members. Shouldn’t we be a united front? When I say no more candy you should help me, not share your secret stash and when I tell them to go to bed you should back me up not let them play one more game.
Well... fuck you Kim Himchan.
I can’t stand the way you always touch me; my hair, face and hands - it makes me sick to the stomach. I hate being touched.
But what’s worse …
I think I’m falling in love with you
“Dear” Yongguk
You’re an idiot.
You’re violent and those stupid war movies you’re always watching have no relevance to real life whatsoever. I’m worried about Junhongie’s mental stability, if he spends any more time with you he’ll turn into a block head too (My poor baby T_T).
Your face is a fucking eyesore, even after you’ve used all my lotions - Yes, Yongguk ah, I know it’s you … I know you steal my pants too, you bastard. At least I don’t buy everything 5 sizes too big so everyone and their grandmother can see my underwear (I'm pretty sure you stole those too)
By the way, who do you think cooks? Who empties the bins? Who sits up with Jongupie during thunder storms and puts Junhongie to bed when you’re recording your shows or working in the studio? … I’ll give you a hint - the answer is me.
I love you too
P.S. Hide your porn better, you idiot. I keep catching the kids with it and I know it’s yours.
P.S.S. As for Jaehyo ya and Kiseop ssi, those bitches ain't got shit on me. I'm Kim Fucking Himchan.