Title: 3 Balloons and a cake
Pairing: Banghim
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG13
Summary: Yongguk gets stood up on his birthday and meets a handsome young man
Yongguk glances at his watch for the nth time that night and reaches for his beer. It’s a quarter to ten and he’s clearly been stood up. On the table his phone buzzes to life as he takes several long gulps and he unlocks the screen to see he has a message. He feels a brief rush of butterflies though he’s not sure if that’s nerves or the assortment of alcohol he’s been slowly consuming.
Junhongie 21:46
Hyung~~ Happy Birthday!! Hope you guys are having fun. I’m treating you after class on Monday!
The message is from one of the teens from Yongguk’s hip-hop class. It’s a small project he works on at his friend’s family run community centre and Junhong is one of the more keen students. He’s bright and talented; Yongguk thinks with a little polishing the kid could actually be something. Oddly he isn’t as disappointed as he should be.
Moments later a man with brown hair and perfectly symmetrical features slides into the opposite side of the booth, pushing a glass of amber liquid into his hand. Yongguk blinks in confusion, eyebrows rising and lips parting. ‘Now why is a birthday boy as handsome as you all on his own?’ The male’s tone is playful and Yongguk’s chest constricts at the huskiness of it. He pointedly glances around the booth as though looking for someone. ‘I’m waiting for my boyfriend’ Yongguk sighs, draining the last of his beer. He sets it down a little noisily and pouts. ‘I think I’ve been stood up’
The brunette stares for several long moments, his sharp fox-like eyes burning Yongguk’s skin. They flicker for a moment to the table top, littered with empty bottles and tumblers part filled with melting ice. ‘I guess you weren’t planning to drive home tonight’ The pretty male’s grin sends a second rush of butterflies through Yongguk’s stomach. He takes a sip of the amber liquid, realising its whisky then downs the rest in one mouthful. ‘I’ve got another hour till the last C train, then a switch to the B and -’
The stranger kisses him.
It takes a few moments for him to notice the other is fisting his collar and a few more to realise he’s leaning over the table and has knocked over a few bottles. Another five seconds and he’s kissing back and in thirty minutes he’ll realise it’s the best kiss he’s ever had. The brunette’s lips are soft against his own and he can taste the waxy cherry chapstick mixed with the beer on his tongue. He reaches up to run his fingers through silky smooth hair and the stranger pulls away after a playful nip to Yongguk’s naturally swollen lips. He watches as the stranger runs his tongue over his bottom lip, painfully slow and the butterflies become eagles that swoop through his entire body. ‘I better go. Happy Birthday’ Purrs the stranger as he smooth’s Yongguk’s shirt and slips out of the booth. ‘Wait!’ Calls Yongguk, moving to follow but the man puts both hands on his shoulders and pushes him back down. He leans in until Yongguk is dizzy with the smell of him. ‘What’s your name?’ Yongguk asks, hands reaching to take the slender man by the hips. The stranger laughs and pushes his hands away. ‘Tell me yours first’ Yongguk almost bites through his own tongue in his haste to tell him, tongue suddenly too thick for his own mouth. The stranger chuckles, one cheek dimpling as he leans closer to brush his lips against Yongguk’s ear.
‘Kim Himchan’
His phone vibrates almost hysterically on the table as the stranger walks away and Yongguk reaches out to answer the call without even checking the I.D. ‘Yongguk ssi’ comes the familiar voice of his boyfriend. They hadn’t even reached their 100 days anniversary but he’d already stood up Yongguk more times than he could count on his fingers. ‘I’m sorry I can’t make dinner tonight, there was this party an-’ Yongguk hangs up the phone, mood considerably dampened.
He blows on his hands to warm them up and stuffs them under his armpits to keep warm. It might be March and the days are hotter but there’s still a bitter chill to the nights. The train is on time as it rolls up and he files into an empty carriage. He considers sleeping, his eyes feel heavy but a red balloon sat innocently in the middle of the carriage makes him cock his head to a side. He moves closer to take a better look, noticing it’s weighted down by a silver loop. His brows furrow and as the train starts the balloon jerks, twisting and bouncing and there, in neatly written script is the word ‘Bang’.
A second white balloon greets him on the B train, this time, humorously placed on a seat. A small boy who looks as sleepy as Yongguk felt stares at it from over the back of several seats and his mother pacifies him with the promise of a whole bunch of balloons when he wakes up in the morning. When he finally inches closer to inspect this new balloon, he finds the word ‘Yong’ written in the same neat handwriting. His own child-like excitement is kicking in.
By the time he reaches his stop, his birthday is almost over. It’s around twenty minutes or so to midnight and he wonders where and if he’ll receive the last one. He doesn’t have to wait much longer because no sooner does the train pull into the station he spots a pink balloon obstructing the face of a familiar thatch of brown hair.
‘Happy Birthday!’ Smiles Kim Himchan; knotting the balloon’s ribbon around Yongguk’s wrist. The elder smiles, catching Himchan’s elbow as the brunette tries to pull away. He instead tugs him closer, hands looping around the younger male’s waist. ‘How did you-?’ Yongguk trails off because his heart is about to explode from his chest. Himchan leans close, fingers threading through the hair at his nape. He opens his mouth, ready to answer but Yongguk cuts him off with a brief kiss to the corner of his lips. ‘You know what, it doesn’t matter’ Yongguk finally allows the other to pull away though he instantly reaches out to entwine their hands. ‘How about some cake?’