Title: 1 Time Himchan tries to wish Yongguk a Happy Birthday
Pairing: Banghim
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Author's Note: This is just a tiny little drabble that I couldn't resist writing. I've written something a little longer but my beta is kinda busy so I'll probably post it later after I re-read it or get someone to look over it
Himchan can feel himself drifting to sleep, blinking once, twice as he tries to stay awake. He shifts slightly from where his back is leant against Yongguk’s chest, one of the older boy’s arms slung over his shoulder and feels the other tighten his grip on him in response. The kids are asleep and manager Kang has his headphones in. Junhong twitches and moments later Jongup gives a soft groan; Junhong probably kicked him. The human ray of sunshine stirs and mutters something unintelligible but soon settles back down, burying further against the maknae’s side.
Himchan glances at his watch realising their leader’s birthday is almost over. 23:53. ‘Guk-ah, Happy Birthday’ He whispers, hoping not to wake the younger members up. His stomach clenches and Youngjae sighs softly from Himchan’s other side. Yongguk makes no reply and after several minutes Himchan twists to see the elder male is asleep. Typical. He reaches for Yongguk’s hand where it rests above his heart and draws it closer to press a kiss against Yongguk’s wrist. ‘Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you I love you’
Himchan looks down at his watch again and counts down the seconds as Yongguk’s birthday comes to an end. He’s about to settle down to sleep when Yongguk’s breath ghosts his ear and he feels the elder’s nose brush against his hair. ‘I love you, too. Kim Himchan’ Chuckles the elder male, dragging out the syllables of the former-ulzzang’s name.