
Jun 19, 2009 17:36

[Black*Star wanders the balls barely awake, his hand throbbing beneath the bandages. After many near-falls and half-trips, he crashes painfully into the nearest wall and slides down, unable to keep his eyes open any longer.

He wakes in his room roughly three hours later and falls off the bed. His hand no longer hurts but he pays it no attention.]

The hell?! How did I--


[He turns to see Tsubaki standing behind him, her hands clasped demurely in front of her as she smiles.]

Tsubaki?! [He rushes and hugs her, nearly lifting the taller girl off the floor.] How'd you get here?! Did the ship suck you in, too?

"I'm not sure. I'm so glad I found you, though." [Black*Star gasps as she suddenly stabs her arm through his stomach, twisting it sharply a few times, that gentle smile still on her face.]

Tsu...baki? [He falls off her sickle-blade, eyes wide in shock as he lands on the ground hard. Footsteps stop a little behind him, and a familiar looking sandal stomps down on his stomach when he tries to roll over and get up.]

"Pfft, idiot. He was weak after all."

"Black*Star." [Tsubaki smiles at the newcomer and Black*Star cranes his neck just enough to see himself, wearing a black version of his father's clothes.]

What...the hell... [Cries out as his other self grinds his heel into the hole in his stomach.]

"You got weak. All that talk about not becoming a demon? About following a warrior's path? You're weak. You'll never gain anyone's respect or acknowledgement like that."

Shut up!

"You're just gonna die like the rest of our pathetic family. Weak things aren't worth my time." [pulls his foot away and holds out his hand] "Tsubaki. Kage*Boshi Zero Kata." [Tsubaki changes instantly, form elongating and darkening until she's a long sword and her shadow lies wrapped around the other!Black*Star.] "Masamune."

[Other!Black*Star holds Tsubaki above Black*Star's heart and grins.]


i am not weak, plot: endgame, this can't be happening, tsubaki, plot: bad end, wut, third cycle

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