Well, it's been over a month since I updated this and a lot's happened, so it's high time for a NEW RELATIONSHIP LIST FOR CHISAME! Some of this is taken from the old one, some characters have been added to/completely overhauled, some have been added, etc.
Wednesday Addams: Has only met briefly, but got along with fine. Considers her weird, but not bad.
Anne: Thinks she's a bit of an idiot, but in an amused way, not a vicious one. Heh.
Chizuru: THE BIG ONE.
See here for the spiel on Chizuru and Mello. Add to that: Chisame's still confused about her feelings for her girlfriend, but she's even more confused by her girlfriend's feelings for HER. Chisame's still a person with very low self-esteem and a massive inferiority complex at heart, and Chizuru's obviously not a naturally monogamous sort--and so Chisame honestly doesn't understand why Chizuru stays with her. She's self-destuctively prodded Chizuru to end the relationship more than once (NOT because this is something she WANTS to happen, but because she likes to pick at her own wounds and fulfill her own prophecies) and considers any wandering of Chizuru's eyes or hands to be a direct failing of hers, not of Chizuru's. "If I were a better girlfriend, she wouldn't like those other girls . . ." On some level Chisame does recognize that Chizuru should probably act a bit more TAKEN than she does, but guilt over Rey, Mello and Near (and that low self-esteem again) will prevent her from ever saying anything unless things went way out of hand. Another part of her also does recognize that despite Chizuru's nature--which is actually a nature she shares to an extent, although less physically--Chizuru does care about her above all else and loves her, and wants to be with her. On good days, this is the part Chisame is able to focus her attention on, and which makes her content above (nearly) anything else at camp. SO, UPDATE: Chisame's had a nice talk (read: fight) with Chizuru recently about some of the above issues, and they're in a pretty good place right now. There's still tension and Chisame isn't always entirely fair to Chizuru (and vice versa), but after bitching each other out and then coming down from that and having a discussion, they're doing better than they have in awhile--at least until the next time one of them engages in some sort of indiscretion. XD Chizuru still doesn't know about the second kiss with Near, and Chisame sees no reason to tell her. WHOOPS! MY BAD!
Ishida: Now that the whole thing with Near having killed him has blown over, Chisame doesn't really mind Ishida as much as she did, although she still views him as a bit of a jerk with a whole boatload of social issues. XD As before, she recognizes that some of these issues are the same ones SHE has, but his attitude towards her in the past means that this just bugs her more, rather than making her sympathetic towards him (as it does with her closest friends, most of whom share some issues with her).
Hanatarou: Chisame thinks Hanatarou is really cute--in an adorable way, not an "I'm attracted to you!" way. They've not talked much but he gave her hugs when she was a chibi and called her tickly, so she sort of looks at him as a nice and sweet guy with self-esteem issues even worse than hers or Ari's. She likes him and pities him a bit.
Buffy: Doesn't know her well, but likes her, considering her to be a very capable and strong but otherwise very normal teenage girl the sort of which camp doesn't get many of!
Nokoru: Met when they were both chibis, and she's not sure how much of his "I will protect all ladies and make them happy!" personality came from that and how much is his ACTUAL personality. They hugged a lot and played with each other's hair so she's a little embarrassed, but hey, she was chibi at the time.
Alex: Showed him how to make a hammock to sleep in! Chisame considers him bizarre and a bit offputting, but no moreso than anyone else at camp, and can usually deduce what the hell he's talking about.
Impulse: Impulse confuses the hell out of Chisame. He was extremely charming when he was age-reversed by the shoutaloupe, and that was really the first time she took any real notice of him. After that she's run into him a few more times and has been unable to forget that image of him, even though he acts completely different most of the time. And in a weird way, he's still charming to her. Basically considers him a friend. Previously she wouldn't have wanted to hang out with him for long, but lately she's considering taking him up on his offer of video games, if she can handle his energy that long.
Kon-el: She doesn't interact much with Superboy, but he's been kind to her in the past, so he's okay. Wary of his "child," who sometimes pops up to leer at her. XD
George: Only met her briefly in the onsen, but lumps her in the "level-headed cool girl" category with Susan, Uotani, etc.
L: Chisame doesn't know WHAT the hell to make of L. They hardly interact, but through Near and Mello she's starting to feel a bit like she knows him, and doesn't know if she likes what she sees. Her overall feeling is that she wants to know what M and N see in L and DOESN'T, and at the same time feels guilty for judging him when she realizes how little she actually knows about the situation in the Death Note universe. . . . She blames him, somewhat irrationally and somewhat not, for the way Mello and Near are. Now that she's picked up a little more from Mello about their whole twisted relationship, she feels much the same way, but is even less inclined to like him than she was before. XD But while she has no desire to be FRIENDS, she does still hope he TOLERATES her somewhat, because 1. he's important to the boys, and 2. she's a bit afraid of him and isn't really sure why. He's apparently moving back into Cabin 1 with them, and she hates that, but would never dream of actually complaining because she knows fair is fair and that it's probably for the best anyway.
See here for the spiel on Chizuru and Mello. Add to that: Chisame swings wildly back and forth between a fond, protective, sisterly feeling for him (usually when he's hurting in some way) and extreme sexual attraction. XD Basically right now she's dealing with that and is getting fairly comfortable just being a good friend of his--which is weird enough for her since she's never had any of those--and is even comfortable joking about it with him, but every once in awhile it will always come back to bite her in the ass, because in the end she can't control herself completely. Of course, he's Mello, so she's also slightly afraid of him because he's INSANE . . . but she cares enough about him to be willing to deal with pretty much anything he does. XD Much as she doesn't understand why Chizuru is her girlfriend, Chisame also doesn't understand why Mello is her friend, and is always slightly afraid deep down that she's going to say something or look at him wrong and he's going to lose interest in her completely. However, because of how personal and intimate their discussions with each other have gotten, Chisame does honestly believe that Mello loves her as a friend (with nearly everyone else she interacts with, Chisame has a fear that said person doesn't actually like her). In fact, she's more convinced of Mello's friend-love for her than she is of Chizuru's romantic-love for her, which only adds to her confusion of feelings for the two of them. . . . As Chisame told Mello recently, she doesn't actually love him in quite the SAME way as she does Chizuru, nor would she want him as a boyfriend; what would be completely ideal for her, basically, would be for things to continue exactly as they are now but with sex thrown into the mix. XD She loves him as a friend that she happens to also wish would push her up against a wall and have his wicked way with her! All in all, Chisame is extremely grateful for Mello's friendship and would do anything for him. She can't really imagine life without him around now, which scares her, because she knows it'll come to that eventually one way or the other. UPDATE: Every time Chisame thinks she's finally starting to get over Mello a bit--he's been a little scarce lately, and she was angry at him for a couple of days a few weeks back over something--they talk again and she realizes how very not over him she is. XD He's her best friend, and she loves talking to and interacting with him, and she's still attracted to him, so not as much has changed as she was thinking it might. She continues to become more comfortable with it and him in general, though. It's possible that someday he'll be nothing more than a really good friend in her eyes, but that day hasn't arrived quite yet. He'll still say things that are really funny or dirty or utterly charming that will make her want to wall him out of the blue, so. XD
Near: For a long time Chisame was working herself up to a place where she had a sort of . . . mental or personality crush on him that she didn't even notice herself because it wasn't accompanied by anything physical; she'd never considered him in that light before. After a few comments by both him and Mello and the incident where he groped her in the onsen, the physical side of that crush hit her full force, and right now she's a bit head-over-heels for him. She isn't exactly IN LOVE WITH HIM the way she is Chizuru and Mello, but she loves him dearly and has intense physical feelings for him. She's irritated that Near and Mello think this is "cute," but is secretly thrilled by the teasing they've been subjecting her to about it, heh. The attention is making her very happy, even if she's still highly embarrassed and flustered about what she sees as a somewhat ridiculous situation that she just can't seem to shake herself out of (in large part because she doesn't WANT to. At all). SO UPDATE: Chisame's not sure what to make of Near now. While she was body-switched with Mello, he kissed her knowing it was her, and then he kissed her AGAIN after she switched back, and she still hasn't mentioned that to anyone else (or brought it up with Near again). And she still doesn't know how much he likes her, because it's NEAR and he could have had any number of motivations for doing something like that. She knows he considers her a friend, and that means a lot to her, and she likes him as a friend too. Dealing with him doesn't come as naturally to her as it does with Mello, but while he's weird and different, he can also be very funny and even sweet when he wants to be, and she likes those parts of him. (Because she's a little messed up, she likes the more bastardy parts too, shhh. XD) She also knows he doesn't get along with Chizuru at ALL, and--for some reason really enjoys watching them bicker and snot at each other, heh. Basically, she likes him a lot and crushes on him and sekritly wishes for more kissing or groping, but is also still confused and wary of him, because she knows how he is, both with her and Mello.
Raito: Chisame's visceral response to Raito is to like him. He's the kind of guy she WOULD like, and is attractive to her, and was the one person who was with her after her death experience (it's not an NDE if you actually died! 8D) and talked her through it. She knows from Near and Mello what kind of person he really is, and what he can and will do to them if he gets the chance, and HATES him for that. Yet . . . when the opportunity arises, she can't help but poke him a bit to see what will happen. Just general conversation to see if the mask slips. Maybe he'll start screaming like a crazy about all the people he's killed! Maybe he'll threaten her because of her proximity to the detectives! . . . In a way, it's a morbid sort of fantasy of hers, and a way of indulging this fact that despite HATE HATE HATING HIM YOU BASTARD PSYCHO HYPOCRITE KILLER GET AWAY FROM MY BOYS--she likes him and would probably be a little bit giddy if he paid her any attention.
Raenef: Raenef is another camp guy who Chisame thinks is really freaking adorable but in a cutesy way, not an attractive one. She doesn't feel anything like that for him at all, and so she's fairly comfortable around him, even if he has a way of making her want to squeal and glomp him all the time because oh god he's just too cute to live lookit the widdle demon lord eyaaaaaaa~aan!
Susan: Chisame views Susan much the same way as she does Uotani. Capable, hard-headed, ordinary, dependable girl. She sees Susan as a bit more vulnerable and thus puts her more on her own level. She doesn't see Susan around very often, but she considers her a real friend and likes talking to her a lot.
Ying: Chisame still finds Ying difficult to talk to at times, but has realized that they have a bit in common and that Ying's a very caring and supportive woman; they've bonded recently over a bit of Chisame's emo and Chisame's been very grateful to have a sort of big sister/mother figure around to spill her guts to a bit without feeling like an idiot for having feelings.
Ling Tong: Chisame absolutely loves picking on Gongji and being sarcastic both with and at him. She thinks he's good-looking but isn't at all attracted to him, in the slightest, which is really weird for her. In a good way. Because she doesn't view him as zomg a HOT GUY, she feels totally comfortable being a complete dork/asshole/weirdo around him because she doesn't have any need to impress him, and she knows the feeling's mutual. Chisame really likes having someone she can both make fun of and be weird around (and who can make fun of her without hurting her feelings, something else that's rare for her), so she values Gongji's friendship a lot and likes hanging out with him and snarking.
Lu Xun: Someone she doesn't talk much with but still feels as if she knows just because he was one of the first two people to ever speak to her and made quite a first impression. She's disturbed by the fact that he died and came back without any memories and had to start over fresh; this is her biggest camp fear right now, that the same thing will happen to her.
Excel: Excel is . . . heh. Chisame's had a few conversations with her that led her to realize that the two actually have a lot in common--an attachment to camp as opposed to their home lives, some deep-rooted inferiority, attraction to a completely unattainable man, etc. Excel's insane and hyperactive and at least in some ways deeply stupid, but she also told Chisame in her anon meme that she wasn't going to let her own feelings of unworthiness get in the way of her happy life, and for that Chisame actually respects her a lot; it's more than she can manage, after all. Excel usually makes Chisame feel better about things, somehow, even if it's in the most retarded ways possible! (Chisame also ended up joining ACROSS in a moment of confusion . . .)
Hatsuharu: Eek. Hatsuharu makes Chisame blush, a lot. Because he's AWESOME. And he's HOT. And she always ends up in embarrassing situations or conversations around him, AND she kissed him under the mistletoe, which she enjoyed entirely too much (plus he was the first and she hadn't realized yet that the mistletoe was magical). So Chisame likes Hatsuharu and thinks he's cool and snarky and funny and very attractive, and if she knew what was good for her she'd stay away from him, BUT SHE WON'T! 8D
Uotani: Chisame doesn't really get why Uotani likes her as a friend, but is grateful that she does, because it makes her feel . . . better about herself somehow. XD She sort of unconsciously looks up to Uotani as a big sister and someone who has her head on straight, and a good understanding of people. She's eager to make a good impression on her--it's a bit of a hero worship thing. Uotani's like the snarky bitch who's actually well-adjusted and confident, and has been through Hell and come out better for it on the other wise, that Chisame wishes she could be someday.
Fletcher: Russel's retarded little brother who will someday get topped by a tree and like it. |D
Russel: Meer's boyfriend! And someone who is far too well-acquainted with Chisame's crotch, after the Panties Tree Incident. Chisame's not sure whether he's pretty cool or a complete bastard, but thinks it's probably both, which means she likes him! He helped her during a very delicate situation but wasn't above making fun of her for it, both at the time and afterwards, which--she didn't actually mind that much, come to think of it. She's grateful to him for giving her a hand but embarrassed about exactly where that hand WAS and what happened afterwards, which she still isn't entirely convinced was an accident. XD . . . But she likes him. He reminds her a little of Mello or Gongji.
Winry: Met for the first time when they kissed under the mistletoe. OOPS. She seems cool. And a good kisser.
Athrun: Chisame's grateful to Athrun for building Gaia-chan for her! She thinks he's pretty emo, but hey, so can she be, and he seems very nice. He hugged her after the Gilly Mistletoe incident. XD
Cagalli: She barely knows her, but considers Cagalli to be a cool, level-headed sort of woman who nonetheless enjoys a good bitch session and drink in the onsen.
Dearka: She's actually not that mad at him about the spying incident, although she feels bad for Yzak and wonders how different their situation is from Chisame's with Chizuru. But she was more amused than annoyed really and doesn't understand some of the extreme reaction to it, except coming from Yzak. If she'd actually been doing much of anything with Chizuru on the roof, she'd be a LOT more pissed, heh.
Kira: People keep telling Chisame all this horrible stuff about Kira, which kind of amuses her, because he's so SWEET. She sees him as sort of . . . Raenef, only hot. Really hot. He's always been sort of retardedly nice to her and offered to protect her from Gilly and smiles a lot, so even though they don't interact much he makes her melt just a little bit when they do. Even if once upon a time, Shinn convinced her he was going to come after her and slice her open while she was blind (which ultimately led to her death). Good times!
Lunamaria: Lunamaria and Chisame hit it off right away. Chisame's actually never HAD a "normal" female friendship before--the closest she gets is Chizuru, and she doesn't count that. All of the other girls she considers friends are sorts of sticks-in-the-mud, very sane types who aren't big on giggling or gossip. Lunamaria's different--she's an actual teenage girl who gossips and makes silly jokes and giggles, and Chisame's finding herself enjoying that a LOT, and having fun being around her as a little sister/friend figure. She feels she can say embarrassing girly bizarre stuff around Luna and not be judged or weird her out, which is new. Chisame does have a bit of a girlcrush on Luna, yes. XD Chisame kissed Luna under the mistletoe during that whole incident, and . . . really liked it and sekritly hopes to do it again, possibly in front of Chizuru. Whether the mistletoe's magical or not. Ahem.
Meer: Chisame likes Meer a lot--she's another person that Chisame feels a lot of kinship with, for various reasons. Recently she found out what happened to Meer back in her homeworld and offered Meer a place to stay when they get out of camp, and Meer agreed, which made Chisame really happy. She knows they have a lot of the same issues and experiences and feelings about things, and so even though Chisame thinks Meer can get a little strange sometimes, she understands why and wants to be there for her.
Rey: In that essay-thing I linked to for Chizuru and Mello, I mentioned that Chisame's two basic needs are security in herself and trainwreck syndrome, heh. Rey is probably the only person at camp who actually fulfills both of these needs in her. Chisame is quite attracted to Rey, but was horrified at herself when they actually kissed (when Chisame was in Riddle's body) and has done her best to squash those feelings since then. It's worked, to an extent--she doesn't like him That Way quite as much as she used to, although it is still there. Another thing that's worked to alleviate those feelings is Rey's habit of getting into twisted semi-sexual relationships with, uh, EVERYONE. XD She still cares about him and considers him a good friend, despite what the rest of the camp may think of him, but she's no longer in immediate danger of cheating on Chizuru with him. PROBABLY. Lately she's been worried about him being withdrawn, but she understands it's probably Gilly-related and tried to be there for him whenever possible, just as a support network. She kissed him again under the mistletoe but knows it was a magical camp-thing and doesn't really feel guilty about it. It was nice though.
Shinn: Chisame has a bit of a crush on Shinn. She thinks he's completely insane, and has no tact or filter between his mouth and his brain, and can be pretty offensive at times--but he still always makes her feel better about what's going on, either by making her laugh or being sweet in unexpected ways. He's also sworn to protect her several times, which Chisame has a bit of a thing for. XD She's confused by how he sees her because it doesn't fit at all with how she sees herself or even how anyone else sees her, whether she's cosplaying or not. But then again she can never figure out anything else that's going on in his head either, heh. And he was the first person to really talk to her when she arrived at camp, and even though the conversations were completely insane and confused the hell out of her, she's still grateful for that contact. XD When their paths cross, the conversation usually makes her end up feeling better about whatever's going on. Shinn commissioned Gaia-chan for her, which she thought was incredibly sweet, and then kissed and groped her under the mistletoe (she was disappointed when he said she was "kinda small" XD).
Yzak: Chisame doesn't know Yzak very well, but she likes him. She always comes away from their interactions feeling pretty positive, and occasionally they even get into some weird shit together, and Chisame figures it could be worse--he seems like a fairly rational, intelligent, snarky, decent sort for a pilot. She doesn't even mind that he got a faceful of her tits! And she likes his coat. XD She finds him attractive but isn't attracted to him, if that makes sense. To her he looks a little like the lovechild of Mello and Near, which is hot, but she's not jonesing for him or anything. (Even Chisame can only take so much blatant gay in a love interest!) After she caught Dearka spying on her and Chizuru on their date, she sympathizes with him a bit. When she was bodyswitched with Mello, she took the opportunity to flirt with him, because . . . well, she doesn't really know why, but it was fun. XD
Tom Riddle: Hahah. Chisame sees Tom as very good-looking and charming, but can also tell there's something majorly off about him, and after the body-switch incident at the dance (wherein Chisame took, uh, a few liberties with his body) she's about ready to die of embarrassment every time she sees him. She didn't like his reaction to that, either. Will likely avoid him from now on.
Miroku: Blushes around him a little, but mostly finds it absolutely hilarious that he asked Chizuru to bear his child.
Anon: She knows him as Robert Haydn . . . and met him when Chizuru kissed him under the mistletoe, and then THEY kissed, and then Mori told her he ate people, and then he called her pretty so uh yeah she's a little confused about that the hell's going on with Anon-Robert. XD
Mori: Was the impetus for Chisame's fight with Chizuru, after Chizuru groped her and asked her to make out and Mori got pissed. Chisame likes Mori and thinks she's a little spastic, but she always seems to have REASON to be, much like Chisame herself. XD She's nice. They also kissed under the mistletoe, and both pretty much blew it off right away.
Ueki: Didn't understand her fortune cookie meme, or know what groping was, so she referred him to Chizuru. XD So--yet another guy who shouldn't still be pre-sexual by any means, YET IS, which Chisame always finds amusing. He's sweet and eager but idiotic.
Rikuou: He offered help after Near shot Mello and she appreciated it, but not his attitude towards it or his demanding an explanation--which of course she couldn't really give, and that worried her. She doesn't mind him but assumes he hates her now after that.
Tetra: They don't talk that often, but Chisame considers her a friend ever since they met and got off to a VERY rocky start during the shoutaloupe incident. She sort of gets lumped in with Susan and Uotani in the "capable, ordinary, sane cool girls" section of Chisame's mind.
Evangeline: Chisame never liked Evangeline, being automatically biased against her when they first met as Eva was one of the "freak transfer students" to come into their class, and hung around with Chachamaru, another "freak" (robot). Now that Chisame knows she's a vampire she's . . . highly irritated and in a way almost relieved to know that at least some of the insanity she suspected of Class 3-A is true. Evangeline looks down on Chisame and Chisame knows it.
Asuna: Chisame doesn't much like or dislike Asuna. She knows Asuna from school mainly as "the violent angry girl with really bad grades," but she also knows there's a lot more to her than that--she's just not dying to find out what it is.
Kaede: Knows she's a ninja who hides it badly, and she's a little confused by Kaede's kindness to her at camp and the way she's offered to look out for her. She's not sure how to take it, the same way she never knows how to react to ANY of her class.
Tetora: Chisame is very much creeped out by Tetora but suspects that all of his sadistic fetish crap is bullshit. She's WRONG, but. XD If he ever comes near her in a creepy fashion, she'll get Mello or Rey or Soushi after him.
Suzushiro Haruka: Chisame knows Chizuru hates Haruka because Haruka's a "homophobe," but Chisame knows better after a private discussion with her--not that she'll tell anyone about it. Haruka reminds her of a slightly saner Ayaka from back home. After talking with her she knows Haruka's a girl with confused feelings and, in some ways, a lot in common with Chisame. Chisame considers Haruka a friend and always enjoys talking to her, even if she usually ends up feeling a bit immature in comparison, heh.
Shino: Mini-Itachi but without the sense of humor. Chisame's uncomfortable around Shino because he seems to deliberately misunderstand or inquire about any sort of off-handed joke or strange comment she makes.
Sakura: Sakura's the other girl, along with Luna, that Chisame's beginning to see as a good normal teenage female friend. After reading some posts of hers, Chisame realized that Sakura's in almost exactly the same romantic position she is, and they bonded over it. Since then they've hung out and bonded a little more, and Chisame's grown to like Sakura a lot and considers her a good friend.
Neji: She finds Neji a lot easier to talk to when he's a girl. Most of their interaction has happened while Neji was female, and in some ways the male version throws her off (which is strange because, oddly, at camp Chisame generally has an easier time with the guys as long as they don't start flattering her). Female!Neji holds the distinction of being pretty much the only girl at camp besides Chizuru that Chisame has been attracted to, which starts putting dents in her "I'm straight I just happen to love Chizuru" theory. She likes male!Neji too but isn't particularly attracted to him. She thinks he's fun to snark with though and makes a really damn cute chibi.
Lee: Is a nice, sweet, kinda dorky guy. Good for Sakura.
Itachi: Is very deadpan, but does have a sense of humor under there, and can be fun to snark with. His posts picking on Sasuke REALLY amuse her.
Sasuke: She doesn't really know him but thinks he's fun to pick on and likes it when Itachi does so.
Naruto: Chisame hasn't talked too much with Naruto, but she's liked everything she's seen so far--he's really cool, generous, fun to talk to, and can do really neat things with fire! She'd like to get to know him better.
Kabuto: She can never tell exactly how serious he's being about anything, or exactly what he's thinking. Overtly he's been relatively nice to her, so she doesn't mind him, but he's also been teasing at times and when he first arrived at camp he pissed her off by insinuating she wasn't much good at computers. He was nice to her and gave her hugs as a chibi, and she likes him all right, but isn't always comfortable around him.
Kaworu: Sort of weird, but a nice guy. They've only talked a little.
Rei: She met Rei when Ami turned into her, BEFORE an actual Rei turned up in camp. The experience with Ami!Rei being incredibly creepy will make her wary around Rei for awhile. Also doesn't understand why she whispers all the time--it reminds her of Honya, heh.
Ari: Chisame realizes now, after talking to him more, how much LIKE her Ari really is--how their home lives, camp lives and internal battles are all similar. Because of this Chisame feels for Ari and has grown to care about him strongly, seeing him as a sort of kindred spirit in low self-esteem, social anxiety and sexual confusion. XD He's another one she'd like to take home with her, if he had nowhere else to go. Ari is like Chisame's emo twin! She also thinks he's cute, but isn't really attracted to him.
Linda: Doesn't like how mean she is to Ari, OR her username, which awakens Chisame's IDOL BATTORU! instincts. XD
Ash: Ahhh, Ash. XD On one hand, Chisame REALLY HATES ASH. He tried to hit her with a baseball bat, and is just completely spastically retarded and inappropriate despite being her age, which she still refuses to believe. She's extremely willing to talk smack about him or plot to use him as a food taster in the future. . . . On the other hand, he has that Excel/Shinn habit of saying really kind and earnest things right out of the blue when she needs to hear them. He may be an extremely annoying guy, but she can also tell he's genuinely a nice one if you look closely enough. She doesn't have any real DESIRE to look very closely at him and avoids him when she can, but she doesn't hate him quite as much as she used to, and might occasionally find herself smiling at some of his antics despte herself.
Inui: Chisame thinks Inui's a really strange guy, but not a BAD one, and was surprised to see herself mentioned in some of the compatibility data his computer posted on his journal.
Niou: A weirdo, but a cool one who's pretty fun to talk to. XD
Ryouga: Chisame's still embarrassed about how she and Ryouga originally met--she was a kid at the time and ended up clinging to him and demanding that they get married when she grew up. She's grateful to Ryouga for not only NOT bringing that up again or holding a grudge, heh, but also showing her a lot of kindness and protectiveness in the past. They don't talk as much now but she does consider him a friend, although she knows he and Mello had a falling-out and isn't sure what happened there. (She was asleep at the time that Ryouga was in on their mind crystal.) And she has a lot of respect for him for kissing Ash to get rid of the cow disease. XD
Ami: Is . . . nice and capable and they have some thing in common but uh . . . the various incidents with "Athena" and Ami!Rei confused the hell out of Chisame and left her very wary of dealing with Ami. She's also aware of some weirdness between Ami and Rey and Soushi and Omi and that whole circle, and she's not sure who likes who or WHAT the hell's going on in that group. XD
Goku: Amusingly easy to mess with. An idiot. But probably a good guy. XD
Heather: They don't know each other well, but Heather's lent her books and suggestions and been nice enough, so Chisame generally likes her. Still, aspects of Heather's life creep her out, and Chisame doesn't have any real desire to be more than casual friends.
Soushi: Chisame has come to care a lot for Soushi. He's strange to her in that he's in that category of "really really messed up guys with horrible pasts and dark secrets" (with Rey, Shinn, etc.), yet he seems much more functional than they are, and she's not sure whether that's a good thing or an extremely scary thing. Either way, he's shown her a lot of kindness in the past when she needed it, and seems to think she's a good person, which always baffles her whenever anyone says it. XD She's aware that he's most likely done horrible things and has had a hell of a rough life, but that hasn't stopped her from liking anyone in the past! And he gives good hugs, strangely enough. Soushi reminds Chisame of Rey a lot, only with the issues a lot more supressed underneath the surface. Chisame doesn't understand why Soushi's unpopular in camp. She's also not (very) attracted to him, despite how well they get along and how much he compliments her--she has considered kissing him once in the past, but there were extenuating circumstances, heh. Mostly Chisame feels calm and happy around him. His smile has that effect on her. Lately she hasn't seen him around much, and is a bit bothered that he's apparently forgotten her.
Omi: Chisame's gotten to know Omi a lot better recently, and she likes him, even if she doesn't entirely trust him and think there's a lot more to him than he's letting on. She feels sort of sorry for him and his thing with Rey--"there but for the grace of God go I" and all that! She does get along well with him and considers him a nice guy and a friend. Omi unwittingly triggered a new, intense fear in Chisame when he came back to camp without his memories of any of the people there, and since then she's had a couple of nightmares about the same thing happening to her. XD That's worth going into later at some point. She also enjoys flirting with him a bit and he makes her blush sometimes, but she doesn't have any real desire to hop in the sack with him at the moment, heh.
Toboe: Chisame sees Toboe much the same way she does Shinn and Impulse. He's strange and not quite normal in his interactions, but he's terribly sweet and always makes her feel better no matter what's going on--his comments usually have an amazing calming effect on her and leave her feeling tender towards him and good in general, heh.
Cal: In a strange way that he probably doesn't even realize, Cal sort of represents Chisame's changing personality the longer she's been at camp. When they first met, she started off by immediately insulting him for being a freak, and he called her ugly, which infuriated her. The subsequent times they've met, she's come at him with a lot more understanding since she's come to accept what the camp's thrown at her, and he (s/he--I just always tend to use "he" with Cal for some reason) has reciprocated with a lot more kindness. She's come to like him and has even flirted with him a bit, because he's a charming and amusing person once she can get past the "strangeness" of him--which she has entirely. So in this way she sort of looks at him as an example of "the camp responds to my overtures" and as she's grown as a person and become able to accept certain realities, so has her and Cal's treatment of each other become a lot more friendly.
Azuma: Thinks he's incredibly bizarre and incomprehensible, but nice enough. Kinda like Shinn or Excel, heh.
Yuusuke: Chisame views Yuusuke as a good guy with a good sense of humor and a decent dose of sanity. She likes him quite a bit, even though their paths don't cross all that often.
Okay, srsly, heh. Chisame's hatred of Gil started when Rey was affected by Heine's tea and turned into a child--it was then that she realized that whomever he'd been around most of his childhood had REALLY fucked him up in quite possibly inappropriate ways. Later she talked to Rey a bit and learned a little about Gilly and their relationship. Rey refused to answer her question about loving him, but she remembers that when she was in Riddle's body, the reason Rey was all over her was because he thought SHE was Gilly. That pretty much answered all that for her. THEN there was the incident with him building the statue, and Chisame spent a night in Rey's cabin with him, Chizuru and that statue, and was pretty much scarred for life when she and Chizuru both decided the thing had been moving during the night. XD We may never know if this incident was a hallucination or not, but THEN. THEN the statue actually DID come to life, and it grabbed her ass, told Rey to initiate something called the Destiny Plan, and tried to KILL HER WITH ITS LASER CANNON DICK. . . . By this point Chisame had developed a serious complex about Gilly, without ever having met the man. THEN HE ACTUALLY SHOWS UP IN CAMP. She saw how Rey reacted to him, saw how Meer reacted to him, saw how EVERYONE reacted to him, talked to Meer and learned Gilly was responsible for her death back in her world, learned from Yzak that he was big on firing cannons (admittedly not often out of his dick) at people and trying to kill them when things weren't going his way. Needless to say, Chisame is petrified of Gil and the power he has over Rey, and the power he has in general. She hopes never to interact with him. EVER. EVEEEEER. UPDATE: GIL IS CHISAME'S COUNSELOR AND HE KISSED HER TWICE UNDER THE MISTLETOE AND AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHH NO NO WAAAAAAH GILLY SCARRED FOR LIFE OH GROSS OH GOD GROSS GILLY-LIPS
Umeda: " . . . Very well-acquainted with my, uh, bits. Erm. Yeah he's nice he's a good doctor okay. . . . Uh. . . . Sorry about that, Umeda. . . . Thanks for looking at my. Stuff. Yeah. Uh. Sooooo."
Sanzo: A bit scary, but not a bad guy if he doesn't kill you.