Nov 27, 2005 16:37

So sometimes I like to ramble about my characters.

Here's a little write-up on my 3 Negima characters and the way they approach interaction with the opposite sex, both in CFUD and in canon! I'll have to do Mutsumi later. It also turned into my rant on Evangeline and having sex and how and why she does it, because yes she does! Not in camp, but!

One of the occupational hazards of exclusively playing characters from harem manga is--generally, you only have canon interaction with ONE MALE to go off of. There will be minor male characters, but not all the females interact with them. Chisame has, in 13 volumes, only really spoken to one male face-to-face (although she speaks to countless males online). Asuna, the main character, has only spoken to about 5, and really only briefly except for Negi. Whereas they're surrounded by women everywhere they go! What's up with that? It makes it difficult sometimes to say "This is how, canonically, Chisame would act around a man." Or worse yet, a man she's ATTRACTED to. What kind of man would she even BE attracted to? It's hard to say.

Things get even more complicated with Negima!, in that during one scene in volume (I think 9) we're given "OOC knowledge" by Kamo-kun (as is Yue) and told, to an extent, which characters have feelings for Negi and which do not. But we're not told what kind of feelings they are exactly. Since Negi's only 10 . . . it's an interesting question.

The list is of 15 girls (out of 31). We can see the identities of 11 of them (4 names are deliberately obscured), know another, and can guess two more. One spot is a complete mystery. Hmmm.

I'll go through my characters, their spot on the Love-Love list, and their interactions with men one by one.

Asuna is number 4 on the list, and the first name we can actually see (in fact we can only see part of it). She's the main character. . . . So do I think she's romantically in love with Negi, or will end up with him? Actually, I don't, surprisingly. I think if she DOES have crush-feelings for him, they'll fade, and vice versa--she strikes me much more as his big sister than a girlfriend. Other characters make this same observation. Some of it might be wishful thinking on my part, heh. But I honestly don't think the manga will end with a Negi/Asuna pairing, if it ends with any pairing at all. Their dynamic is much more interesting as siblings (and I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up ACTUALLY BEING SIBLINGS, as it's been foreshadowed a bit). Their interaction is NOT the same as Keitaro/Naru, despite the fandom's beliefs (and that's a whole other rant about how Keitaro and Naru have never HAD any dynamic beyond--okay nevermind). Negi's feelings toward Asuna are NOT the same as toward Nodoka, a much more likely prospect. Etc.

Asuna's one character in the series that we do get some idea of re: her feelings towards men. We know she likes older guys. She never talks about anyone her age (although to be fair, almost none of the girls do)--she has a big crush on Takamichi and gets very flustered around him, thinks Konoka's dad is hot, and likes "dandy older men" in general. She occasionally gets flustered around Negi, and other times is almost overly comfortable around him, depending on her mindset at the time about other recent events.

I see Asuna as not being someone who crushes easily, and as a very ordinary teenage girl who thinks guys are hot sometimes and is cool with that (and yes, my only completely straight character, go me). I don't see her as someone who'd get flustered around someone she thought was hot unless it had developed into a full-blown crush, so I play her as really comfortable around--well, most people. (I've seen fandom interpretations of Asuna as a lonely withdrawn girl and someone who's not very good at socializing, but I do not agree with them AT ALL. Asuna is friendly and sociable and sure of herself, even if she also has a bad temper and a tendency to think people are idiots). She'll think guys are attractive--she thinks Itachi's attractive, to name one--but it doesn't turn her into a giggly schoolgirl unless, once again, she actually has FEELINGS for them as she does for Takamichi (and arguably Negi). I really only see that happening around 1. counselors who give her attention (she likes Mr. Gwendal a lot!) or 2. someone she had had a LOT of interaction and bonding with--and at that point, she'll know them well enough to have moved beyond flustered schoolgirl anyway, and will only periodically get a case of the dokidoki (as with Negi).

Overall, Asuna = relatively sure of herself, comfortable around boys AND men, rarely crushes on anyone, likes teh older men a lot (hi Mr. Mustang!). When she does end up with those lovey feelings, she's a bit unsure of how to carry herself or what to do with them, but still handles it relatively well for a 14-year-old.

Chisame is near the middle of the Negi-list--I forget the number. Do I think she has romantic feelings for Negi? A bit. I don't think she's ready to hop under the mistletoe with him like some of the other girls are,

(and I feel it worth mentioning that despite this being a harem manga with a ten-year-old main male--very FEW of the girls, about 3 or 4 of 31, have that kind of feeling towards him, and those who do have various personal issues that have LED to it,and Negi does NOT reciprocate. This is made explicit and the point is driven home again and again. The manga is, perhaps surprisingly, NOT a huge "let's get our rocks off on this little boy"-fest despite the way some of the girls act around him--in fact, because of it.)

but I do think she has feelings for him that aren't precisely friendly or sisterly. In fact I don't think she sees him as a friend at all. I'm not sure she's entirely aware of her feelings towards him, actually. I think it's much more of a "this guy gave me attention, and now I . . . I feel sort of special when I'm around him. Let's not examine that too closely!" It's not at all anything physical. Chisame's not a shoutacon and isn't sexually attracted to Negi (again, the girls who are have very specific social problems).

Still, it says a bit about her and how she is about guys in general. The list appears in volume 9-10, BEFORE her next big character development chapter in volume 11. At that point she's gone several volumes without appearing, and like 8 volumes without even talking to Negi directly. In volume 2, he takes an interest in her, tries to make her feel important and pretty and included, and--8 books later, there you have it, she's on the list. Wow. Didn't take much.

At the same time, Chisame when not in Chiu-form is a masculine girl. Not physically, but in manner and voice. Her voice is deep, her speech patterns are typically male ones, etc. She also obviously knows the male mind, having practically STUDIED IT to do her cosplay, and having spoken to hordes of fanboys every day on her website. She knows how guys think. She thinks a lot LIKE them. And also--she also looks down on them a tiny bit if they act like fanboys around her in Chiu form.

So. Chisame sort of looks at men in two ways. In one sense, she's one of the guys, and is more comfortable around them than she is women a lot of the time. She's used to talking to them. But once they make it clear she's not one of the guys to them--she's weak against them and a bit uncomfortable. Because unlike Asuna, from her feelings for Negi, I take her as being someone who DOES crush easily. INCREDIBLY EASILY. Throw her a kind glance and be sort of hot and you've got her. She might not, like, LOVE you, or understand it, but she's much less comfortable around men than Asuna is and much more susceptible to their charms. This includes men that she feels protective towards, and that feel protective towards her, but not so much guys that she views as peers.

So Chisame's extremely comfortable around guys like Gongji, Ari, Neji, Yzak and Yuusuke. She likes them as equals and sees them as similar to herself in demeanor and someone she's sort of one of the guys around, and not as people who compliment her or make her flustered or aware that HAY THESE ARE MEN, HOT MEN!, etc. Actually, she feels much the same way about Mello, amusingly. She loves Mello, actually LOVES HIM, and in that sense she doesn't have a crush on him. She's moved so far in the other direction (and also knows it's totally hopeless) that she's more herself around him, like she is with, say, Gongji.

Chisame is NOT comfortable around guys like Shinn and Kira and Near. Which isn't to say that she doesn't like them a LOT as friends (or more in Near's case) and love being around them, but--they make her feel feminine. They make her feel attractive and special and blushy and good inside, even if they don't mean to--like Negi does. Add to that they they're attractive in a way Negi's not, and she can keep her composure around them and consider them friends but can't interact with them the way she does Gongji (the most platonic male friend she has in camp, srsly. Chisame loves Gongji but will NEVER have feelings for him and because of this can tease him and annoy him mercilessly and talk all sorts of masturbation-related crap with him). Her interaction with them is colored by the fact that she's attracted to them, and she can't play it off the way Asuna does (or Eva to a MUCH MUCH greater extent).

In general: Chisame categorizes men in two ways, those she's a guy around and those she's a girl around. She can be friends with either but can never fully be herself around the latter because she's uneasy about being attracted to people. Mello's the exception here. Chizuru, amusingly, falls into the latter category. No, Chisame doesn't view her as entirely female. 8D

Interestingly, I think Chisame's feelings for Near parallel her canon feelings for Negi pretty closely.

Evangeline is either #7 on the list or not on it at all. The four names that are obscured are #1-3 and #7. There are pretty much 3 possibilities for #7: Setsuna, Eva, and a complete surprise that'll be revealed later. (Akira is #15 on the list and has, like. Almost NEVER interacted with Negi. So. A surprise is entirely possible.)

Do I think she's on there? No. I don't think she has romantic feelings for Negi AT ALL. This can be argued, of course, but I don't see any real evidence for it in the manga.

And yet--she wagers a date with him. "If I beat you in the tournament, you have to take me out." In light of the fact that I DON'T think she likes him, that kind of thing is really interesting and says a bit about how she views romantic and sexual interactions--in other words, VERY VERY LIGHTLY.

I--oh fuck. This is going to be long, heh.

Eva's such an interesting character sexually. It's fun to play but it's COMPLETELY BIZARRE which is probably WHY it's so fun. Because here you have this girl who's very obviously sexually aware. Her actions and comments in the manga are often pointedly driven to make other characters feel sexually uncomfortable. Her clothing and way of sitting SCREAM "I'm a sexual being. Look at my body. Look at me." Whether or NOT she's in her adult form. And you have to wonder whether she's doing it to look hot or to deliberately make others uncomfortable with what she is, but no matter which is the answer (or if both are)--it's obvious she has sexual knowledge that no other girl in the series except Mana (who is also not 14) can fully understand at this point in their lives.

BUT SHE'S 10! She's physically frozen at a point before puberty. Her adult form is FAKE. It's something she built herself for a very specific purpose and which takes power to maintain. She does not have hormones. Or any secondary sex characteristics, normally. She's this very highly sexualized character who flaunts her sexual comfort and knowledge and is very snide about it all but--is a child without her own driving need. And she's over 1000. There's no way she's gone through that long life being what she is and having the attitude and knowledge she has and having deliberately developed that incredibly busty body without having had sex. There's no WAY.

I play Eva as someone who's done just about everything and enjoyed it, but whose desire for sex doesn't come from a physical place--nor from a romantic place, usually. (The Thousand Master is the ONE exception to this.) Eva's desire for sex, such as it is, comes from power, amusement, relaxation and boredom. And she does HAVE a desire for sex, but--rather than being an intense physical reaction that comes at specific moments (such as it is with Chisame most noticeably but also Asuna and--really any other character), it's a low-grade mental reaction which is always present within her.

I think of that scene in Family Guy where Stewie's at like the party and just looking around the room saying in this bored sort of voice "Do her, do her, wouldn't do her, do her, who HASN'T done her? Do her, do her, do her . . . "

Eva finds people attractive, yes. Men and women--I play her as entirely bisexual, and I think this is a valid interpretation based on her lifespan and the canon. She finds people attractive and has a mental sense of "Oh yeah, I'd screw him if it ever came up. He's hot, sure." But--"if it ever came up." She has no strong desire to actually PURSUE it herself unless there's something to be gained by it. That thing could be power over another or just a way to have fun and pass the time. It's not really sexual release as such (not that she doesn't experience that, heh, but she has no NEED to like a pubescent character would). The no-sex rule doesn't bother Evangeline at all. She doesn't get horny in the same way other people do. Which makes it amusing that she has so much EXPERIENCE, and is extremely frank about it. Any sexual desire she has for another person comes from a desire to either see them vulnerable or amuse herself with someone she sees as amenable, and not from "ohmygoooood he's so hot I just want to jump him right here and UNF!" Masturbation--which she does, yes--is another "Eh, what the hell, nothing else to do!" reaction from her. And it feels good, of course.

Because of this mindset--and I should mention that that's all my interpretation of her, and I have reasons which I mentioned (her interaction and her strange body/chronological age situation) for it, but obviously it's not ever going to come up in canon because Negima's not THAT pervy, heh. Because of this mindset, Eva experiences a complete divorce of "I'd have sex with you" and "You're okay, kid." One does not follow the other because sex has no real emotional meaning for her (again the Thousand Master being the ONLY EXCEPTION and I'll get to that). And because of this, her being willing to have sex with someone doesn't affect her interaction with them at ALL. People she'd screw get no preferential treatment over those she wouldn't, or vice versa. Physical attraction has nothing to do with how much she likes you. Sometimes they match up. Eva would have sex with Athrun if the opportunity ever arose, yes. She thinks it'd be fun and interesting. Ditto Shinn. Ditto Anakin. She would NOT have sex with Ari, because it doesn't interest her, but that doesn't mean she likes Ari any less or treats him any differently. She likes Ari a lot! He's a good kid! She just doesn't want to do him, and those two feelings are so SEPARATE that you shouldn't be able to tell the difference.

The ONE time you can see it in her interactions is when she wants you to. She does this to Ishida (whom she'd have sex with as a power play) a lot when they interact, because she knows it makes him uncomfortable, and that amuses her; she's done it to Athrun on occasion too. Usually it's to get an amusing reaction or throw them off their guard. (This is something she does a lot in canon--make sexual remarks about whomever she's talking to, usually in relation to someone else they like, to put them off-balance.)

Eva doesn't crush on anyone. Ever. Well, almost never. The ONLY PERSON she's ever had a crush on that we know of is the Thousand Master. And the circumstances there were EXTREME. Evangeline will likely never actually develop a crush on anyone in camp. Her type of guy? Is basically "awesome pure-hearted powerful shounen retard who saved my life for no reason and acted like he cared about me and made me feel worthwhile despite what I am and then totally ignored me for months." XD

(She'd probably crush hard on someone like Kira if she were thrown into similar circumstances with him.)

But day-to-day "I like this guy as a f . . . f . . . a . . . an acquaintance!" and "I'd also have sex with him, sure, whatever" don't combine within her to = "I'm in love with you. Take me." Which is the opposite from Chisame, because that's EXACTLY how Chisame operates romantically. Eva actually having a crush on someone is a once-in-a-lifetime occurence which is likely never to come up at camp. Unless someone comes along and makes her feel, well. Human.

SO IN GENERAL: Eva has sexual experience and knowledge and feelings but no normal physical sexual drive, she interacts with men and women exactly the same and sees them all as HUMANS, whether or not she's incidentally attracted to them, she's very comfortable with herself and her sexuality and likes to pick on those who aren't, and she does not fall in love or have actual feelings of romantic emotional attachment hardly ever. Almost nothing can make her uncomfortable around a man OR a woman.

. . . WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME, TYPING ALL THAT. XD Uh, anyway. So. I hope someone found it interesting?

Man, I still have to do Mutsumi . . .


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