Jan 22, 2005 22:05
Hmm, not too busy a week for a change. Thursday I hung out with Matt, Justy, Kyle and Steve...I love them so much. We always have such a good time together...I'm pissed at Billy because he didn't get Dana and me our Stephen Lynch tickets...I wanted to go really bad. Yesterday I went to Pittsburgh to pick up Adam with my mommy. We had a fin ride down. My mom basically told me her entire life story. I never knew how hard she had it. It makes my life seem incredible...I'm not gonna take that for granted anymore. I'm so thankful that I live in a beautiful house that keeps us warm during the winter. My mom's house growing up did neither of those. Imagine having to chop wood every day to keep a house with no insulation and sometimes no water warm. It sounds rough. I love my mom so much, and I'm so glad that I have the relationship with her that I do. You can never tell your mom that you love her to many times. I'll tell her every day.
Since I'm going on about my family, I'll keep on going. My Aunt Val is one of the most incredible women I've ever met. In her younger days I also think that she and my mom were two of the most beautiful as well. I'm so proud of her with everything she's done in her life...settling down with two children and a husband in a gorgeous home. Now she's a teacher and one of the people I look up to most in my life. My Aunt Ned is absolutely brilliant. She lives a hard life with as a single mother, but makes the best of it. My Aunt Laur is such an awesome person. She can make me laugh so hard that I cry and raised to awesome kids. Jolie and Cody are some of my number ones, and Jolie, never take your mom for granted. My Uncle Matt and Aunt Rose are probably the most important people in my life besides my own parents. Hell, I consider them to be my second parents. My Uncle Matt is without a doubt the funniest person I know and can always make me laugh no matter how hard life seems. He's absolutely brilliant in more ways than I can count and taught me some very important life lessons the way my father never could (My dad is a decent guy, but quiet). My Aunt Rose...I don't even know where to begin with her. She's incredible in every aspect. She's an awesome mother and works a tough job, but bears it. She's a beautiful person and maintains a house better than anyone I've ever seen. Next are my Uncle Raym and Aunt Monica. Although I don't know them as well as I'd like to, I'm still so glad they are a part of my family. They came with us on my first trip to New York City and I'm so glad they were there. We would have been totally lost (literally) without them. Finally, I want to mention my brother Adam, and sister Dana. With Adam, you never realize how great he is until he's gone. I can't even express how much I miss him when he's at school (about 300 miles away). He's always been such a good brother to me, even though he gets in trouble sometimes. Only in the past year or two he finally stopped treating me like a little kid and that's when we really got to know each other. He's such a great person and anyone should be lucky to be his friend. Dana is my absolute best friend on earth and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Sure we fight sometimes, but don't all sisters? I'm so glad that I have the relationship with my sister like I do...I feel like I can tell her anything and I know that she would lock it up and never tell a soul. I would trust her with her life and I know that she would trust me with hers. I can't even tell you how many times I've been in a jam and she's bailed me out of it...and I know if it came to it I'd always do the same for her.
Now that I'm done rambling...
On the way back from Pittsburgh, Adam and my mom got into a fight so they were both pretty bitter for the rest of the night. We went to the Cracker Barrel for dinner and that was great. The food was SOOO good. It was a bit cramped inside because it was super busy and I was a little claustrophobic but other than that it was great. For the rest of the ride home Adam just badgered my poor mom to let him drive and eventually she gave in. After that, my mom and I went into the back seat and watched Big Daddy. That was fun because my mom loves movies so much and laughs so hard whenever something funny happens. She's so animated.
When I got home, I got into bed and was asleep before my head hit the pillow. You'd be surprised how tiring 12 hours of driving can be.
As for today, I didn't really do much. I slept in, watched The Bourne Supremacy, some made for TV movie and then went out with Adam and Dana. The snow was RIDICULOUS. One second there was a decent amount, and the next there was like 8 feet of it. I might have to call off work tomorrow for it (oh damn ::snaps fingers::), but that means I'll have no money all week. I probably won't work on Thursday because they never need me to com in and I can't work next Sunday due to the Semi. I'm excited about that. I still need to get a dress though, but it'll all work out. I'll see if I can go after school sometime this week. After driving around aimlessly for an hour or so, we finally ended up at Perkins and had a lovely meal. We couldn't find anything to do after that so we headed home. OH YEAH! My. Midterms. Are. Over. ::clicks heels together:: I'm so happy that I don't have to deal with them again until next year. I really do have to start concentrating on my grades more though if I intend on getting into college. I have a couple of places I'm looking into. I'm pretty sure I want to go local and I'm really considering Penn State Worthington. I'm gonna try to go there for 2 years then transfer to the main campus until I get my bachelors degree in whatever I decide to major in. I've been looking into History a lot lately...I'd really like to be a History teacher but if I had a History major that'd be about the only job I could take. I'm also considering Psychology or Sociology.
OK, I don't really have anything else to talk about and I really have to pee, so I think I'm gonna put a close on this extremely long entry.
Go tell your mom you love her.