Dec 14, 2005 20:56
Grades are up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEA MY CUM GPA WENT UP A POINT!!!! I have a cum GPA of 3.3 now and hospitality of 3.4. I got an A- in my Restaurant Cases class!!! I wish it was an A. So I got an A in Finance, B in Hotel Development and Facility Planning Design. I got S's on internship and Guest Lectures. Term GPA of a 3.445.
I also just finished applying for Hyatt's Corporate Management in Training Program. Wow that took a while, but we shall see if I get an interview in Feb. They are pre-selecting candidates so I figure why not apply early, it can't hurt.
K well I'm gonna chill in the house with my puppy and the parents, too tired to go out and my toes still hurt from the dermo. Peace.