For some reason Chimp and I feel like we should be doing homework (well her more so than me). It feels great to be done. I got an A- on my final restaurant paper, but I don't know my final grade damn it!!!!!! I will be mad if it's not an A!!!!!
This past week was stressful with work and finals. I worked from 7-4 yesterday then Chimp, Shannon, and I went shopping!!!! I bought a hot top to go out in.
We went to Blue Martini to chill (it was so friggin boring) and then to club Paris. Our career guy came with us hahaha. Jenks is so funny! We got free drinks and cover of course. For some reason gross guys like to dance with us, but after Jenks left we got some cute ones!!!! While we were dancing my shirt got caught onto Chimp's it was the funniest thing ever!!!!!!
Today we went to the mall again haha, this time with Oxman. You know when we go places we either cause trouble or find it and create/find funny situations. Here are some funny things and quotes.
"The only good thing about Abercrombie and Fitch is the scenery if ya know what I mean." (Me)
I bought a funny shirt and some other stuff. We went to Nordstroms and got measured hahaha. This is the funny quote from Oxman.
"Every girl needs to go to Nordstrom's and have them measure you for your correct bra size... you will be amazed at the difference."
After the mall we went and looked at Christmas lights. Might do that tomorrow it's all up in the air. I'm going home Tuesday for the break. I might be up here who knows, I ain't goin to work for the mouse. Well hope you enjoyed my long update night night. HeRe is this for your viewing pleasure.
***Your 2005 Song Is***
Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz
"Love forever love is free.
Let's turn forever you and me."
In 2005, you were loving life and feeling no pain.
What Hit Song of 2005 Are You?