The fifth round of the Numb3rs Awards will be starting soon! If you want your stories to be eligible for this round, then you HAVE to finish them by January 22nd!
Or write an entire story! You have one week!
Het Categories:
1 AU/AR: Fic that differ dramatically from canon. Don isn’t in the FBI or Charlie isn’t a genius math professor, for example.
2 Angst/Dark: Fic that deal with angsty, dark, depressing, upsetting or tragic subject matter.
3 Before & After: Fic that take place either pre-series or post-series.
4 Case-related: An FBI case is the main emphasis of the fic.
5 Crack: Fic that fall quite far outside the norm. Aliens-made-them-do-it, genderswapping or mpreg, for example.
6 Crossover: Fic that crossover with another fandom.
7 Drabble: A fic of 100-300 words. Please note that this is the only category a Drabble may be nominated in.
8 Drabble Series: A series of 3 or more Drabbles as defined above.
9 Drama: Fic that are filled with action, conflict, emotion or other exciting qualities.
10 Episode Related: Fic that contain a missing scene, are an episode rewrite, or are an episode tag.
11 Humor/Fluff: Fic that are humorous or have a happy, light subject matter.
12 Hurt/Comfort: Fic that contain elements of hurt (whether psychological or physical) and comfort.
13 Kink: Fic that contain a kink, such as public sex, cuffs or cross-dressing.
14 Novella: A longer fic of at least 20,000 words.
15 Original Character: Fic that contain an especially interesting, devious, likable, or otherwise memorable original character.
16 Outstanding Author: An Author you believe has produced high quality fan fiction. Please note that the Author must have at least two pieces nominated to be eligible for this category.
17 PWP: This stands for “porn without plot.” These fic are normally shorter, one-shot fic and should be rated NC17 or Adult.
18 Romance: Elements of romance are the main emphasis of the fic.
19 Series: A series of at least three related standalone fic. Please note that 1) a chaptered story is not a series of fic and 2) a series of Drabbles may only be nominated under the Drabble Series category.
20 Shortie: A fic of 301-1000 words.
21 Threesome/Moresomes: Fic that contain “couplings” of more than two people.
Gen Categories:
1 AU/AR: Fic that differ dramatically from canon. Don isn’t in the FBI or Charlie isn’t a genius math professor, for example.
2 Angst/Dark: Fic that deal with angsty, dark, depressing, upsetting or tragic subject matter.
3 Before & After: Fic that take place either pre-series or post-series.
4 Case-related: An FBI case is the main emphasis of the fic.
4 Crack: Fic that fall quite far outside the norm. Aliens-made-them-do-it, genderswapping or mpreg, for example.
6 Crossover: Fic that crossover with another fandom.
7 Drabble: A fic of 100-300 words. Please note that this is the only category a Drabble may be nominated in.
8 Drabble Series: A series of 3 or more Drabbles as defined above.
9 Drama: Fic that are filled with action, conflict, emotion or other exciting qualities.
10 Episode Related: Fic that contain a missing scene, are an episode rewrite, or are an episode tag.
11 Humor/Fluff: Fic that are humorous or have a happy, light subject matter.
12 Hurt/Comfort: Fic that contain elements of hurt (whether psychological or physical) and comfort.
13 Novella: A longer fic of at least 20,000 words.
14 Original Character: Fic that contain an especially interesting, devious, likable, or otherwise memorable original character.
15 Outstanding Author: An Author you believe has produced high quality fan fiction. Please note that the Author must have at least two pieces nominated to be eligible for this category.
16 Series: A series of at least three related standalone fic. Please note that 1) a chaptered story is not a series of fic and 2) a series of Drabbles may only be nominated under the Drabble Series category.
17 Shortie: A fic of 301-1000 words.
In the past, the categories for Het that have been hardest to fill have been:
AU/AR (Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality)
Case related
The hardest to fill categories for Gen have been:
If you have a story that would fit these categories that were finished on or before Jan. 22, 2010, please bring them to my attention.
Actually, if you have any fic that you are proud of and would like to see nominated, please bring them to my attention.
One last thing, I need an email in order to nominate you. If you don't want to give me your main email, there are free email addresses available through Yahoo, Gmail and various other sources. I've had to pass on nominating several excellent stories because I didn't have an email address to insert into the nomination. (The email addresses are not kept, they're only used to inform the writer that their story has been nominated. This gives the writer a chance to decline to participate.)
Good luck, happy (or angsty) writing and let me know how things turn out.