Stuff you probably didn't need to know ...

Jun 04, 2007 13:27

Today: - spent longer than was strictly necessary making my new Stitch userpic. He's my new hero.   

Yesterday: - some friends of my parents (who live a couple of hours away) dropped in to visit unexpectedly. They'd brought with them a copy of their local community newspaper, because on the front page was something they knew I'd be interested in.

The Day Before Yesterday: - I bought myself some new knickers because my favourite style was on sale. And damn-it-all, I think one of the pairs I chose is in the wrong size. Now that the card tag-thingy has been snipped off, there's nothing to say what size they are - not even on the label sewn in the back. Her Ladyship Captain Tight-Pants is a moniker that may be appropriate today ... :(

randomness, chinchillas, userpics

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