
Jun 03, 2007 16:22

It's 4.20 on a Sunday afternoon, and all I want to do is sleep for the rest of the day and into the night. Have been strangely lethargic today -- maybe I haven't had enough to eat - - and in about an hour and a half I start work. We have late shows since it's a holiday tomorrow (Queen's Birthday - nice for some!) so I'll finish about 2am.

I have a list of things I've been meaning to write about here. Bite size pieces will be the way to go, one little item per day, or else I'll never get there and it will all be forgotten. Well, I'll try ...

News for today:
Whee! -   NZL92 is two up to Luna Rossa (Italy) in the Louis Vuitton Cup!
Go the boys in black!

Now it's raining and my washing is getting wet. :(

randomness, team nz

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