Too Much Going On

Oct 20, 2006 08:02

+ Three weeks till moving day.
I'm a bit worried about things I still have to get done. Not so much packing 'cos I'm working on that little by little (although the piles of boxes I have already packed don't equate to the same amount of clear space in my room ... weird quantum-physics-type-stuff going on there ...)
No, the stuff I'm still to get my 'A into G' over is regarding my little furry friends. The rabbit is not coming with us so I have to find a home for it and its large, heavy cage. I need to find homes for two chinchillas (babies who are now adults and I really should have sold them by now). And I want to take only one of my large chinchilla cages so need to adapt a couple of smaller wire cages for the current inmates.

+ Related to the above is the fact that I am doing altogether too much work! So I have less time than I counted on to get things organised. The extra hours are good - don't get me wrong, I'm not hating it - I just have to be a bit more efficient with my time. This weekend is a holiday weekend and I'm working all through it because the boss is away. (Four shifts down, three to go - then I get a day off ... whee!)

+ Can't even bear to think about my proofreading course ...
My tutorial folder has been lying forlornly on the floor for too long. In an alternate universe I had planned to be almost finished by now. But then came moving and more shifts.

+ I went to see a local production of Jesus Christ Superstar last Friday night. I enjoyed it, but was not 'blown away' by any means. It was a little rough in places. The staging, costumes and set design were heavily based on this version which I have on DVD. Some things worked on stage - some didn't.
Things I really liked were:
- The actor who played Judas is a guitarist and he played electric guitar two or three times during the show, most notably that great solo during the overture, very cool!
- Herod was played 'drunk'. I've never seen that done before, it was very funny.
- The musical director (with whom I've played in a number of shows) is a bass guitarist. He stood in front of the band with his bass and music and conducted in between playing. He was very visible and it was really cool to see him grooving down to the funky bits!
- The '39 Lashes' were done as on the DVD, with the chorus running up and 'whipping' Jesus with their red-painted hands. Very effective both on TV and stage.

+ I have been having fun with a compass and coloured pencils, designing a personal device for Eledhwen Ningloreth (my RPG character).
It is based on this design by Daniel Falconer from The Art of The Fellowship of the Ring.

I was going to 'borrow' this device straight for Eledhwen, but then I realised it actually doesn't follow Tolkien's rules for Elvish heraldry.

So after adapting the above design and two variations later, this is the draft I've come up with.

After colouring in two of the four centre chevron bits I decided they'd look better left white.
I'm quite proud of that ... :) Now I just have to do a 'good' version!

+ The amount of posts on my flist that I have to catch up on made me blanch. They have all seemed to come in a rush!
Maybe I'll be able to catch up on Sunday.

randomness, moving, eledhwen, music, work

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