Best Intentions

May 22, 2006 13:47

Valin Nosta Parm!

(It's your birthday here already ...!  Hope you have a great day.  XXX)

LATER:  Eeep! Actually, no it's not, it's tomorrow - I just don't know what day it is today ... 
But the birthday wishes still stand; I'm leaving it there 'cos it took me too long to get right in the first place. **

Hey all!
I'm missing you guys ... have had too much on my plate lately and I'm like a kid who has to eat all their veges before getting any dessert - I really want that ice-cream but keep pushing food around and around until it's cold and gross, and there's no way it's going to get eaten!  (Sorry for that weird analogy, I couldn't let it go ...)

Wednesday night will be my last shift at the Regent Theatre - wheee!
Then I have a week of full-time work at my other job - the one I'm keeping - then I'm going on holiday for about 10 days. And after that I'll be working just 4 shifts a week while finishing my Proofreading Course.

I'm looking forward to my holiday (** and obviously I need it!)  - which is kind of a crazy one, since it will be in winter and I'm going south to Christchurch to visit my brother and my best friend. Remember ... in the Southern Hemisphere, you go south, you get colder ... hence the 'crazy' part!

quabazaa - I'm going to be in Christchurch 3-9 June if you want to meet up some time.   (I should see if Eru wants to as well ... will have to drop him a line. Have you heard from him recently?)

Ah well, love to you all - hope you're all keeping well.
Catch you later ...

holidays, work, birthdays

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