Ah, but of course! .... wink

Dec 05, 2005 17:49

Oh, brilliant!
I didn't even know what the various results were when I did this - only saw the unicorn from pure_spirit's results. (Yup, gacked from her.)

So how cool is it that I came up with .......


You are an elf. An elf is like a
human but much fairer and pure. Elves are
usually tall, with pointed ears, and resemble
humans very closely, but elves are usually much
more beautiful. Elves are a distant race. They
prefer to keep to themselves, because often,
many of them feel that their race is superior
to humans. Elves symbolize wisdom, prudence,
love, and hope. They are very merry and happy.
They are forever young and delight in music.
They are natural artists as well.

Which mythical creature resides in your soul? (11 Results + Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

::::clap ... clap::::

All the pictures for this meme are really good.


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