Three Random Things On My Mind

Apr 28, 2009 23:25

* Very proud of my little bro (Leeroy's dad) who is one of the 100 New Zealand artists featured in the new collector's guide Seen This Century by Warwick Brown.   :D
Blurb from publisher's website: "Taking 100 artists who have come to prominence since 2000 (hence the word play of Seen This Century) he gives the collector an invaluable tool by highlighting who is on the rise, who will become the next big thing and whose work should be bought now before prices skyrocket. Carefully selected using a range of filters to come up with the 100, this chunky book has four pages on each artist (including a 450-word text and a generous sampling of their work) and is designed in an appealing, fresh, crisp, catalogue style."
Book Reviews: The National Business Review, The Lumiere Reader

* Finished watching the final season of Battlestar Galactica the other night. I found myself a wee bit disappointed by the conclusion. I was expecting something ... ??? ... just more ...! I need to discuss it with someone else who has seen the whole series. But the only two people I know who have seen it all have been unavailable the last couple of days, so I'm in limbo right now, ... waiting.

* I received a 'Flat Stanley' doll in the post from Vanya's daughter. What's that all about ...?  Here's Vanya's explanatory email:
It's been way too long since I've said hello to anyone from leaf.  My little girl is doing a project for school and I couldn't help but think of everyone once again ... The project my daughter ... is working on is called "Flat Stanley".  It is a paper doll that each child makes and then sends out to a friend to have an "adventure".  While on this adventure the person caring for Stanley keeps a short journal and sends it back to the child with the journal.  I thought of Pippin and his adventures with us during our trip and wondered if you would be willing to care for Stanley for a day or so if we sent him to you.
So yes, I have to entertain Flat Stanley for the next few days, take some interesting photos, and then post him back to America in time for presentation to the class. Heh, heh.  :)

randomness, television, family, leafers

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