Oct 13, 2010 20:52
I talk to electronic devices in the hope that they will do what I want them to. I've always done this; it makes me feel like I'm actually accomplishing something even though I'm just pushing a bunch of buttons that may, or may not, solve the problem.
We have a copy centre at work. The printers are named Baby, Johnny, and Dr. Gonzo.
Me = overworked and supposed to be in three places at once.
Baby = stubborn
Me - *gentle cooing sound* Come on, who's my favourite Baby girl? You can do it. Come on...
Baby - *does what I want her to*
Me - *victory dance and looks up to find six customers and three co workers laughing hysterically at me while attempting to look like they aren't*
Customer - So that's why my flyers always turn out amazing. You've got a printer whisperer in the building.
Being the source of other peoples amusement made my day. It's been a while since I made someone laugh outright. I thought I'd share this with the rest of you in case it makes you laugh or smile too! =D