wtf is this

Dec 18, 2003 20:54

Wanna see some EmptyM pictures?

ANyways...We had practice on tuesday. It went nice. We recorded a new song thats coming along really nicely. If you want to hear it: life..
Currently, i have to do a AP Physics catapault project with the infamous Timmy Zhu. TOmorrow, I'm gonna go see LOTR:ROTK (that will be fun).

Then its jam packed, on saturday, i have to watch the Patriots game, and I'm prolly going to Mass to a friends place. Then on Sunday, I have to word on the Physics project...then on monday, i have school, and i have to build this kid's computer, then on tuesday im leaving for Baltimore to a cousin's place and then wednesday, im going from Baltimore to Greensboro, NC to my cousin's place for like the rest of Christmas Vacation...until i come back around Jan 2nd, and then work on the Physics some more...and then go back to school, and prepare for SATs, Physics, Finals, blah blah BLAH BLAH BLAH....

yeah...but xmas is gonna be fun as hell. North Carolina owns...
im prolly gonna skateboard and stuff down there, because thats what we do always...and play music. My cousin's younger brother just got a drum set, and is learning how to play, Im gonna go there and tune them and im gonna bring my cymbals there, and we are gonna play insane music, becuase my cousin is insane at Guitar...this kid is crazy...he has a Les Paul and an SG for those of you who know what it is. He got a Multi-effect pedal and he has a Peavey amp...he has everything...But he also plays really well...

Can't wait...what can i say?
im indian...enuff said
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