Mar 17, 2009 13:11
I feel like I should post 'cause I haven't in a while...and also, my selection of possible activites at the moment includes a) continue sitting in the TA office (looking busy by typing stuff), and b) go to the library and pick up books (for a paper that was supposed to be due April 7th, but is now due April 27th). I think the winning choice is clear.
The problem, though, is that I don't really have much to say. The vast majority of what I think/talk about in a typical day is school-related, which makes me a pretty dull storyteller. At some point, class stopped being about hilarious stuff (Robbie Shortpants, douching with Lysol, Russia not being there that day...), and focused in on ideas. Now, I'm all for ideas...I like them a lot, in fact...but they don't story-up well. I'm not going to write LJ entries about authority or post-colonialism or heteronormativity or whatever...I'm way too cool for that. I hold out hope that things will pick up when I get into my primary source stuff this summer. Like, I found this advice column from La terre de chez nous (an agricultural magazine from Quebec) that suggested to a girl who had just been dumped that she give up on dating, and go knit a sweater or bake a cake...and this was in 1974! Crazy, I know (though not so much, for a variety of reasons...but that's where it stops being interesting).
So yeah...that's more or less how things are going. In other news, Bryan's parents visited us last week, which was super cool. They took us out to eat nearly every night, so I've emerged from the experience somewhat chubbier, but having had a fantastic time. Also, on an unrelated note, I saw two girls on the bus a few weeks ago that were, essentially, Vicky and myself from when we lived together. It was a little weird, and a little sad, but mostly neat in a nostalgic way.
I think that's all.