Apr 22, 2009 19:57
Todays TO-DO
X Read "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" for 3 hours in bed
X Check on seedlings (I am the proud momma of baby sugar and snap peas, kohlrabi, amaranth, basil, snapdragons, carrots, turnips, leeks, and echinacea!)
X Switch laundry
X Play harvest moon obsessively
X Fill out HEC application
X Switch laundry again
7) Quick shower
8) Meet up with Maura?
9) Grade half of remaining math work
10) Tidy living room- disassemble and put away one cache of randomly accumulated stuff
X Play Wii Fit for at least 30 min
12) Fold laundry
X Begin research for new 5/6 and 9-11 math units
14) Get superglue and hydraulics for door
15) Start more seedlings
16) Assemble care package for pixie-type individual
X Unload dishwasher
X Clear off white board
19) Bake up the rest of the world best chocolate cookies
X Get to bed with enough time to read some
-Clean out car
- Mark out garden spaces (it was overcast again today, I'm still going to wait to sketch it out)
- Attempt to beguile across the street neighbor into tilling newly marked garden spaces (this is waiting on #1)
- If not, rent a tiller
- Pay bills, online- attempt to upload student loan info into my Mint.com account (waiting for my new florence card, and Mint to figure out my loan carriers)
- Pick up pictures in Noho (he's getting them tomorrow)
- Grade many many pieces student work
- Block out the new unit starting next week for all of my classes
- Try Noho Gym, Try to YMCA,
- Replace Screen door hydraulic?
- Get a bike
- Go to Garden Center to get peony and strawberry crowns
- Plan gardens
- Plant asparagus crowns
- Hang out with Jude! (Friday?)