Apr 22, 2009 11:30
Todays TO-DO
X Read "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" for 3 hours in bed
X Check on seedlings (I am the proud momma of baby sugar and snap peas, kohlrabi, amaranth, basil, snapdragons, carrots, turnips, leeks, and echinacea!)
X Switch laundry
4) Play harvest moon obsessively
5) Fill out HEC application
6) Switch laundry again
7) Quick shower
8) Meet up with Maura?
9) Grade half of remaining math work
10) Tidy living room- disassemble and put away one cache of randomly accumulated stuff
11) Play Wii Fit for at least 30 min
12) Fold laundry
13) Begin research for new 5/6 and 9-11 math units
14) Get superglue and hydraulics for door
15) Start more seedlings
16) Assemble care package for pixie-type individual
17) Unload dishwasher
18) Clear off white board
19) Bake up the rest of the world best chocolate cookies
20) Get to bed with enough time to read some
-Clean out car
- Mark out garden spaces (it was overcast again today, I'm still going to wait to sketch it out)
- Attempt to beguile across the street neighbor into tilling newly marked garden spaces (this is waiting on #1)
- If not, rent a tiller
- Pay bills, online- attempt to upload student loan info into my Mint.com account (waiting for my new florence card, and Mint to figure out my loan carriers)
- Pick up pictures in Noho (he's getting them tomorrow)
- Grade many many pieces student work
- Block out the new unit starting next week for all of my classes
- Try Noho Gym, Try to YMCA,
- Replace Screen door hydraulic?
- Get a bike
- Go to Garden Center to get peony and strawberry crowns
- Plan gardens
- Plant asparagus crowns
- Hang out with Jude! (Friday?)